Tim Barrus Blog
Posts tagged with new-york-times
Comment Moderation Is A Pornography
I am a communist. NYT admits to me, they keep a blacklist of writers names. They’re looking for names, not anything the lower despicable voices – us – have to express. East Coast Suits talking blacklist. I have no voice. Gagged. They can’t tolerate strong writing. They lie about how…
The Felon Rapist Is Killing People With HIV
Take notes. “Our basic civility as a nation.” There it is. The beating heart. The problem is that we have no idea what civility even means. I think it is one thing. Moderators think it’s another. I think everyone should express themselves. Even if I do not agree with where…
Tim Barrus New York Times
Take notes. Appalachia: I have coffee in the coffee shop on Main Street. We call it Main. The City Fathers arrived to answer questions. There is really only one question: Why did no one show up to help us through a hurricane. You rebuild. Struggling. There used to be mountain…
Tim Barrus New York Times
Take notes. The left gets trashed. It’s obfuscation. Who are these people. Name them. You always condemn but condemn who. Why do writers attack a ghost. What are you so afraid of. I’m a radical (are you shivering in your shoes). I cannot be a leftist because it’s lame. And…
Tim Barrus New York Times
Take notes. I love the shooting from the hip style of writing. I have never understood why Americans cannot fight back hard. The convicted felon spits in Washington, DC’s face. That statement alone will be too strong for the comments police. The NYT is denigrating what they, themselves, have become.…
Tim Barrus New York Times
Take notes. I am not amused. The good. The bad. And the indifferent. A legal argument. It’s usually a legal/religious debate. If you read closely, that would be David French debating David French. This is illegal. It is also illegal for any person to drool over all the money these…
Tim Barrus New York Times
Take notes. A quickie How To quickie bullet point friendships. I have five thousand “friends” on facebook. I do not need a “friend.” I need a home. I need to trash this car I am living in. The minute your “Real Friends” figure out you might be in trouble (hurricane…
Tim Barrus New York Times
Take notes. Elon Musk is a wildcard. Reminds me of a guy running down the street as fast as he can being chased by a dog. Soon enough Musk asks the dog: Do you know who I am. The dog replies: I surely do. Musk reminds me of parts of…
Tim Barrus New York Times
Take notes. It’s Christmas. The billionaire class gets to tuck us in and read us fables and myths. He is entitled to have access to the New York Times . Enormous wealth counts. It’s all one needs. We must give our readers what they want and this is what they…
Tim Barrus New York Times
Take notes. I am living in my car. I have found a cottage in the woods. In two weeks, I move in. A hurricane made sure I am living out of one bag. A photography bag. I have lived out of one canvas bag for fifty years. Sue me. Tonight…
Tim Barrus New York Times
Incendiary Comments is a book that examines my relationship with the New York Times. It’s been a long one. I am publishing my stuff there in terms of following patterns. Themes: Politics. Resistance. Medical. Autism, Neurodivergence (I’m Aspergers). Economics. Democracy. Homelessness. Work-At-Home. Education. Tech. Suits. Parenting. HIV/AIDS. The whole nine…
Tim Barrus New York Times
Take notes. This is darker than it seems. People need time. There is no time. Allow me to be so bold as to suggest that there is another aspect to this. The media. I indict all of you. Might I suggest that the resistance has been forming the structure of…
Tim Barrus New York Times
Take Notes Standardize. Regularize. Arrange. Conform. Anneal. Temper. Methodize. Sort Out. Balance. Control. These are the rapist’s tools. He applies them to a canvas, and we are that canvas. No mention here of the term rapist. This is what normalization means. It’s called cherry-picking. If we all play polite, maybe…
Tim Barrrus New York Times
Take notes. The distance between Hiroshima and Seoul is 400 miles. The Koreans know it is in reality, the distance to the moon. History speaks volumes. The next itchy player would be Mao Zedong. The 1950s saw enormous instability. Douglas MacArthur wanted to use the bomb again. And he was…
Tim Barrus New York Times
Take notes. Very well-written. I have to give credit where credit is due. French pretty much flays the flesh of organized religion, and this is a good thing because it recognizes the complicity of indifference. That patriarchy is fundamentally beneath contempt. French does not go at it with righteousness. That…
Tim Barrus New York Times
Take notes. I am still a single parent. Call the babysitter. Go to work. I should be shamed for writing this. That’s the thing about survival. The issue is not morality. This is a class issue. This is an economic issue. This is a caste issue. Mainly women. But I’ve…
Tim Barrus New York Times
Take notes. I have been trying to join Blue Sky for months. It won’t let me in. I give up. I cannot afford to leave the Internet. I don’t make a dime from books. Nada. I’m living in a car in this mountain cold. Fingers ice. Hurricane destroyed everything. No…
tim barrus new york times
Take notes. I was a teacher to adolescents with HIV. All of them arrived with a long list of medications. Every school district creates rules like a nurse has to administer all meds, and if students are caught taking their own meds, they were expelled. No drugs. Was a fundamental…
Tim Barrus New York Times
Take notes. We are ruled by criminals and one rapist criminal. It’s the clown car and he is driving it. Our government is the mob and the mob has won. I wish you luck on keeping your vaunted democracy. Ordinary lament. The Supreme Court golf-cart assessment of how many things…
Tim Barrus New York Times
Take notes. Great piece. I appreciate the research, because it points out the lack of research. But. It goes to law, and I appreciate that, too. What I’m looking at these days is not based in gender issues. It’s based in violence. I was teaching a group of adolescents with…
Lydia Polgreen Is the Best
TAKE NOTES Here in Appalachia, they just kill the trans kids. After torturing them. I’ve seen gasoline poured on them. People looked down. At their feet. People walked away. No one would help this screaming, naked kid. I picked up a rug and wrapped him in it and got him…
Tim Barrus New York Times
Take Notes. I am living in a truck. In the morning, I meet up with my Appalachia neighbors in a coffee shop. We solve the problems of the world. I usually get one these guys to join my side. Hurricane Helena killed husbands, wives, and kids. Body parts are still…
Take Notes. “But, like Mr. Manchin, we should all be rooting for them to succeed.” I’m shocked. I find this statement to be viscous. It defends the RAPIST. What this fool of a homo sapiens who wrote this sickening piece of pornography wants is called compliance. I wrote a book…
Tim Barrus New York Times
Take notes. Legend and mythology are both subject to modern terminology and continual updating. The Iliad was music. The Iliad was a song. The Iliad was voice. The Iliad was history and a lot of it was simply created so Homer could go home. It was Greek but it was…
Tim Barrus New York Times
Take notes. The It is a traitor. I am not going to drink the polite Kool Aid. Politeness is absurd and beneath contempt. The Monstrosity wants to kill us out of naked revenge. I so do not care what Americans want. I will not be told that I have to…