Tim Barrus Blog
Posts tagged with new-york-times
Fire Cracker
Take notes. Truly great literature is written by outsiders—the unorthodox and the nonconformist. When their careers are destroyed before they begin, we all lose. Writers privately tell us that they are concerned about the inevitable literary pablum of the coming decade. It’s already here. I live in a village in…
Tim Barrus: Journalists Elected Trump
Take notes. Harris is on the path to winning the presidency. It will be close. Mainly, it’s a battle cry. Journalists are bitter over the fact that they are not on anyone’s radar. Journalists are a problem. They think that anyone who they want to focus on has no agency…
Tim Barrus: Rape in a Hospital
I was asked to testify before a senate committee dealing with HIV health issues and doctors. I took a walk. I do not trust homo sapiens sapiens one little bit. I’m autistic. There is nothing you can do to me that would bend me toward whatever it is you want.…
I live in an extremely remote place in Appalachia. We are just now coming to the end of a drought. We don’t need some expert who tells us that it’s getting hotter, Duh. Frankly, I think the experts are wrong about the timetable speed. It’s getting hotter faster. No snow…
Tim Barrus: Naked Before Us
The boys I was dealing with sat on folding chairs in a circle. “Okay, who is going to play Richard Hatch, and who’s going to be Amarosa.” The question was What Is Reality. What is reality on TV. Or. What does it really mean. The boys all had HIV. A…
Take notes. Americans will tell you they like diversity. They do not know what diversity even is. It took hundreds of millions of years for trees to invent themselves. During the Carnian Pluvial Event, it rained for two million years. Two million years of rain. We cannot even imagine it.…
The Wilderness Will Take it Back
Take notes. What is a nest. Nature will take it all back. I am probably the only person on the planet who thinks this is a good thing. I do not care about Homo sapiens sapiens. I care about wildlife, and you only think that none of them live with…
Comment Moderation Softens the Image for the Bad Guys
If I so much as write – Trump is a rapist – comment moderators will side with Trump, and then, the swords come out. I get axed. Yet it’s civil for a columnist to articulate the same fact. There are several realities going on here. The reality of the rape.…
Snake Handlers Religion David French
Take notes. Religion. I want to know where all these leftists live. Is it a town of fugitive leftists. It’s a stereotype. The word leftist is not uncivil. But who are we talking about. The New York times has never connected the word leftist – to whom. Name me one…
That Would be Our Kids
Take notes: I am a super cool parent and I have set no one adrift. I do not bite Barbie’s head off. Who actually parents children in a politikal context. My three-year-old is a Nazi. She orders everyone around. Are you telling me that republicans have children. Who demonstrate the…
Know When to Hold ‘em
Bells. Whistles. Smoke. Screens. Lawyers. The lawyers win. Americans are famously attracted to the back porch light of conflict. Google invented it. Google wrote the script. Do no harm while you strangle other trade homo sapiens engage in. Are we giving it to you now.” Yes, Google. Yes. Until you…
Ross Douthat is Wrong
There is a tinge of bitterness here. Let the old man go. Give him in a plaque on the wall. A ribbon. A bottle of Jack. Lunch. He could knight himself. Much ado about much ado. Why. How about because it would be nice. Aren’t we the nice people. We…
Tim Barrus on Ezra Klein
I can’t take this stuff seriously anymore. All I see are suits and suits and suits. The New York Times is the great-grandpa suits of suits. Your grandfather’s paper is still your grandfather’s paper. What one suit says to another suit. That’s always news. Not a single new idea. Some…
Tim Barrus: New York Times
Men Do Charleen lives down the dirt road from me. I will not dwell on trailer stereotypes. Charleen is poor. We read a lot about the poor poor. Charleen and her babies lived in the car that now sits at the side of the trailer in the thick nettle weeds.…
The Smile
The smile is disarming. We have lived with temper tantrums, theft (the boxes), the migrant kids, ripped from arms, and thrown in cages, the secret secret plans with Putin. The secret secret plans with Xi Jingping. The secret secret plans with Kim. Even his patriotic rout failed. His business failed.…
She Can Defeat Him
I was not going to vote. And I always vote. But, not this time. Nevertheless, if Kamala runs, I’m running with her. I’m voting because I want to see those two angry old eyes finally, Blink. I am not too good at enduring the MAGA onslaught. Another four years of…
Republicans are progressive once a year at Christmas. When all the gifts have been opened, the big box (unopened), goes bang, and Trump pops out. With that business big man’s fist. Put it in a box and sell it. The true populist leader claims to represent the unified “will of…
Trump Is Coming For Your children
Kamala Harris is ready to lead. The operant word is ready. Question: Will she take children away from their parents and incarcerate them in boot camps which you could call Boot Camps For Trump. Some kids are still there. What he did to those families changed me in fundamental ways.…
They Want to Burn My Penis
I am in the hospital. I am supposedly having a cardio conversion. Half of my heart is dead. I only have half a heart. So they planned this procedure, and I show up. UNC Pardee. A woman walks up to me and says. Strip. Excuse me. If you refuse to…
Viable Gender Care Puts American Hair Aflame
Tim Barrus This all started at the New York Times. Then, it moved to FB. God help me. The piece we are all talking about is that gender change with kids is a pornography. This would be somewhat personal but why am I thinking that children living at the marginalized…
Tim Barrus and the New York Times
Tim Barrus and the New York Times Republicans are human slime. I have never trusted David Brooks. His faith in the goodness of the American people is toxic. The American people are not conflicted. They’re compliant. “Go kill those people over there because they are not like us.” And so…
I Write What I See
I would like to see both Trump and Biden fighting it out. With bare fists and teeth. It’s how Americans know something is real. Conflict. Engagement. Blood. Continued engagement. Reengagement. To. What. End. We know some of that would be personal. Some of that would be political. All of it…
The American people will shrug and tolerate nuclear testing, too. How many ways can you get fucked in the ass and laughed at. Any other species would find it humiliating. That is the point of rape. How long have we been here. How long ago did homo sapiens begin to…
Healthcare Has Failed Us
We are living through a culture war because we do not know how to rule ourselves, and we do not even know who our many selves are. We take a trip. Sometimes literature comes to town. The Book of Stories is us. But it is not yet an us, Americans…
Tim Barrus: Blood in the Water
Sex was once considered to be a political act. Birth control was up for grabs, and birth control is still up for grabs. I remember – those times – when old white men called the shots because they could. The Supreme Court went for guns. Do you think, they won’t…