Tim Barrus Blog
Posts tagged with new-york-times
Tim Barrus in the New York Times
It is unconscionable to think anyone has a right to bring more children into the world. For the human animal, the world is crumbling. We do not need one more child. What we need is for humanity itself to become extinct because as super-predators, we have created a world of…
Sex Wounded Tumblr But Tumble Will Survive
I have always loved working on Tumblr. So, when what has been going on at Tumblr hit the front page of the New York Times, I felt compelled to respond. Sans peur et sans reproche. A lot of my work goes up on Tumblr, and I still love it. I…
Tim Barrus: New York Times: PrEP Package
It is easier to chose to not have sex than become another rat in the HIV maze. Constant lab tests, the humiliating exams, the struggle to maintain medical relationships around informed consent (I am always being tested secretly when they take my blood, but I do find out about it…
Tim Barrus: NYTimes: We Need A Revolution in Art Museums
I work with young adolescent boys at-risk who do sex work and have HIV. Mainly, I teach photography and video art. The traditional museum and the traditional foundation would be appalled by us. Sex work is a crime. That makes the boys criminals. The issue is actually poverty, and that…
Tim Barrus: New York Times
There are times when I do not write about the Smash Street Boys. It is not always appropriate. There are other takes on life. There is life with kids. A huge part of who I am and what I do. There is life in Art. There is inner life. The…
I have asked the Smash Street Boys to bounce off a response I made to David Brooks in the New York Times. Brooks writes about suicide quite often. His work is excellent. This time, he is integrating the reality of AI into the examination of what makes people tick. Tick.…
Tim Barrus: New York Times: All Politics is Local
Tim Barrus: New York Times I sit in in silence at HIV clinics with people who cling to their oxygen tanks. AIDS is far from over. Americans pay $2K for Truvada which costs $8 in Australia. The depression and hopelessness you write about is real. I thank you for your…
Tim Barrus: New York Times
David Brooks’ recent piece on poverty piece is hopeful. Easy for him to say. There is no hope for it. Let us go to the fundamental souls of Americans. Let us not dwell on why we are who we are. We simply are. Americans are mean and mean-spirited. They like…
Tim Barrus: The New York Times: Appalachia
http://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/15/opinion/appalachia-trump-coal.html?comments#permid=31085665 Appalachia. The nearest doctor who will treat us is a hundred miles away. Everyone I know is sick with something. Because we get such little and inferior medical care. The power company has released so much vile poison into the river, all the fish that we used to rely…
Tim Barrus: New York Times
https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/22/opinion/christopher-hasson-extremism.html?comments#permid=30758363 I live in a small town in Appalachia. Hate is ordinary. It has a silence, too. A silence that says everything. A silence of indifference. The silence of ordinary people. My neighbors have always felt threatened. They listen intently to the hate in the media. The corporations – all…
Tim Barrus: New York Times
The USS David Brooks is Sinking I am shocked. It hardly ever happens. The USS Brooks is headed for Rome, and some of us will not swim there. Whatever happed to the David Brooks’ Rules of a Civil Gentleman. Brooks is conflicted. All editorial copies dumped off the ship to…
Tim Barrus: The New York Times
Tim Barrus: The New York Times (for those of you who are telling me that the New York Times would never publish my experience/opinion – eat shit) http://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/02/nyregion/suicide-school-overdose-deaths-ny-family-foundation.html?comments#permid=28470036 Institutional Abuse of Children With Autism I worked in a school for children living with autism, and saw the most shocking, egregious,…