Tim Barrus Blog

  1. Tim Barrus: New York Times

    “Comment moderation will be the hot new voodoo in both classrooms and media.” I wrote that ten years ago.  Comment moderation will be the hot new voodoo in both classrooms and media. I’m writing that today. The gatekeepers have won. Won what. Power. At what cost. Classroom discussions with a

  2. Tim Barrus: New York Times

    There’s A Lot Behind the Eyes That lot is a lot lot. I get so frustrated with myself for writing in metaphors. What I write and what I think are two very different things. They shouldn’t be. But they are. I work. Intuitively. I wish I didn’t. I am never…

  3. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    For months, I was the one who fished all day in that small aluminum boat – bringing home the protein – fish, I was seven-years-old. Does that sound like – even a middle class – thing rich kids, any kids, kids with bling, kids with guns, something kids with laser…

  4. Tim Barrus: New York Times

    I COULD NOT BELIEVE THE NEW YORK TIMES PRINTED A VERY COGENT PIECE BY PAMELA PAUL WHO HAS FIRED A SHOT ACROSS THE BOW, AND IT HAS NOT GONE UNNOTICED That cannon ball is actually a defence of the status quo in publishing – traditional publishing – where six writers

  5. Tim Barrus: New YorkTimes

    We have this dysfunctional perpective in basic research that says it only counts if the subject is in pain. This is a prostitution of pain itself that links trying hard (research) to imbue struggle with strategy. How is it that smart people in science can be so stupid.

  6. Tim Barrus: New York Times

    I am a communist. The issue is not grief. The issue is survival. Ask anyone with HIV. I do not know homo sapiens who have time for grief. We are too busy with our widgets. Building them. Eating them. Sleeping among them. Breeding them. Surrendering them. Widgets. Fake widgets. Big

  7. Tim Barrus: New York Times

    I am a communist. I am also a teacher, a writer, a photographer, and the voice of doom. Who knows what education will look like in the future. Robots will take the place of classroom instruction. We can’t find enough teachers. Technology will save us or will it. Parents Night

  8. Tim Barrus: The Case for All Things

  9. Tim Barrus: The Desire From Year to Year to Do Something Completely New To the Universe

    blizzard of the winter dust that year when you escaped/ i don’t think I ever did, i could not do that today/ when you are young just over some other wall, somewhere else untouched like her darkening lips/

  10. Tim Barrus: You Are Hearing Voices