Tim Barrus Blog

  1. woodstock

    some dark wood of terror/ my tongue inside your bitter hole ravenous and wasted beyond perilous attrition/ no one had been left alive/ we could roar the bike past all the parked cars lined up at the side of the road with their little radios and their little dancing on

  2. forty years of inflammation

    avascular necrosis was just the beginning/ i am now a walking, talking spare parts car lot/ vavavoom/ i could barely walk this week, and ended up in another emergency room again and again/ besides the usual, this time, there was the heart/ they will stick probes into my heart and

  3. It’s just business

    every sunday morning here in appalachiaville they take a head count to see who’s in church and who’s not in fucking church religion in america and what is so intricate so entangling as death you numberless infinities your mouths are filled with dust the absurd in the depth of winter…

  4. Nothing’s Wrong on Mars


    Misha doesn’t sleep. We have that in common. I try my best to get stuff done when the house is quiet. Sleep for boys who have been raped and sexually exploited is a big bag of worms. Medical professionals in Public Health (which should be renamed Public Bullshit) never ask

  6. we were intent on burning time into ashes

    will i be arrested if i say i hate the fucking cops/ fuck cops/ that whole year, we were intent on burning time/ everything was ashes, the book of ashes, the culture cops are set to save/ all of it ashes, cops would like to bust the dead because the

  7. u, the older 1

    this time, the red chair, too/ stop telling me that is wasn’t your fault because it was/ plain and simple/ u lured the younger ones to go with u train-riding/ when the stupid people ask me what at-risk means, i just roll my eyes to the sky/ here’s what i

  8. I Hate the Term: Hard to Reach

    it brings up all the wrong images/ when i hear the term: hard to reach, it makes me want to puke/ it purports that as a source it means you are speaking truth to power when, in fact, it’s sheer bullshit designed to keep people and racial minorities in their…

  9. Tim Barrus New York Times

    nytimes.com/2019/09/15/us/border-patrol-culture.html… The Border Patrol built concentration camps. So did the Germany’s We Were Only Following Orders. How many KidsRDead via BP’s capricious whim. How many children have been caged. How many will never see their families again. Who will pay. Us. Us monsters.

  10. stop asking me

    stop asking me if i like it/ stop asking me if it needs something, stupid boy, they all need something/ stop asking me about light/ what the fuck do i know about light/ light only is/ stop sacrificing my kingdoms of the dead with your hearts and flowers and sailboats