Tim Barrus Blog

  1. Tim Barrus in the New York Times

    AIDS in Appalachia I live in the Blue Ridge in Appalachia where health care is a nightmare. Public Health has waiting lists which means you cannot get an appointment for seven to eight months. Public Health throws you around like you are just a carcass of meat. They sexually exploit

  2. Tim Barrus in the New York Times

    What is the point of writing when the entire world hates you. I was lost in hate. It was a python. It wrapped itself around me and squeezed until all the bones were pulverized. I would never write another book again. The publishing mountains were now too strewn with dangerous…

  3. Fuck World AIDS Day

    World AIDS Day Is Out of Touch

  4. Fuck World AIDS Day


  5. Tim Barrus in the New York Times: Civil War 2

    Trump has also threatened civil war. I assume this would not be a war between the states. More like a a race war, an age war, an economic war, and cages would not be just for children. If you think public executions could never happen here, please update your perception…

  6. The Attic Gods Came By Today

    the attic gods came by today from behind time where they like to be concealed/ bearing the imprint of the din, the attic gods of history’s bin/ taking out what had been thrown away, and terrorizing us to explain it/ https://timbarrus.tumblr.com

  7. And He Would Fly Away

    his heart is rubbish/ he has always lived in his own world/ he knows the outside world is there/ he has simply chosen not to participate/ but such decisions have consequences/ you try changing his wet and shitty diaper/ i double dog dare you/ any romanticism you once held for

  8. Tim Barrus in the New York Times: American Family

    What both liberalism and conservatism prop up is mythology. In reality, the American family is a vile, repulsive, and depraved institution whose significance is about power, and has nothing to do with bonding. I do not mean to be uncivil. This is simply what I think, what I have seen,…

  9. Julian

  10. childhood is a dog and pony show

    i no longer listen to them much beyond what they do inside their skins i do not seek answers there are none that work the whole dog and pony show we call childhood are answers that are not answers they are pre- programmed stereotypes in pink times ten and in