Tim Barrus Blog

  1. Tim Barrus: Such Is Our Dirt Bike Town

    We stole a new motorcycle. I should probably say I stole a new motorcycle. I can steal any kind of vehicle I want. Anyone who can hack any network of computers can hack a vehicle. I can do it from the other side of town. “We could just say we

  2. Tim Barrus: The Laws of Physics Do Not Require A Cop With a Gun There Must Be Another Way 2 Run a Railroad

  3. Tim Barus: The Small Zone Of What Is Real

    The New York Times has published a piece called What Is Death. Everyone loved it because Grandmom could die in the nursing home in a terrified ball of folded flesh, and it was okay to not feel jack shit about anything. You were not there. We are animals who prize

  4. Tim Barrus: A Prism In the Path

    Putting a prism in the path of sunbeam demonstrates conclusively that surface rocks near impact zones can get thrust upward and thrust upward and thrust upward with enough speed to escape the body’s gravitational tether.

  5. Tim Barrus: U Catch It U Reel It In

  6. Tim Barrus: The Speed of It

    Maybe here and there. In fragments. To Indigo Dust. In a glass museum case. I am finally a museum. It all comes like flashes are some sorrow’s end. Seas in seas. You will not believe any of this, especially the dark stuff, everyone wants to cling to hope, but hope

  7. Tim Barrus: Angels Are Never Real


    Tim Barrus: New York Times I am a communist. It’s been a generational 300 year war of ideas. China has employed the legalized ideas of communism and has forged that relationship in fire and blood. To little effect. The little red book is a legal ruse. “On Contradiction” is more

  9. Tim Barrus: The Idea Of an Elusive Dark Matter Particle

  10. Tim Barrus: You Become the Camera