Tim Barrus Blog

  1. Mountain View


  2. From Rusted Bridges Into the River

    THE NEW YORK TIMES IS COVERING HOW THE CONSERVATIVES ARE BLAMING ANTIFA FOR WEARING DISGUISES – WHAT ARE THE CONSERVATIVES, TEN. TIM BARRUS IN THE NEW YORK TIMES. Appalachia has many rusted railroad briges built around 1900. They are still in use. American infrastructure is broken and fragile. We are

  3. Un Commentateur à un Autre

    This is an experiment that I am looking at fitting into my novel in progress – “Going Rogue.” Dean, I want to applaud your inclusion in the New York Times of “Learning To Listen To Patients’ Stories,” by Dick Schiffman. The piece was informative and touching. I have never read

  4. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    About Poetry. Ten reasons why religious poetry is religious poetry. By a poet. Who lives on a farm in Appalachia. 1.) I do not know what it is like to be a woman. I am not a woman. I do not want to be a woman. 2.) It is hard…

  5. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    I contracted a fatal disease. Dementia sets in. I do get lost, and find it rather interesting as it is usually somewhere I have never been. I have a 16-year-old (going on 27) “helper” who does everything. His spelling is bad but he proofs my stuff which is always a

  6. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    If you model (we used to call it teach) racism, what your community is going to have is racism. A message of hope in a time when hope is microscopic. I regard it with caution. Suspicion. I struggle to lose the suspicion. This is Appalachia. “Down here” racism lurks in

  7. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    Parenting on a good day can be deranged. Parenting on a bad day is also deranged. Parenting in an emergency and the failure of infrastructure is called rock and role. $1.39 per meal per kid on Snap. A complete failure. The number of hungry American children has doubled. The failure

  8. Bolivia, We Were In Bed Again

    Excerpt: Going Rogue      Bolivia      We were in bed again.      I was on my phone writing comments for the New York Times. Juanita wanted to know why I was typing on the phone and what was wrong with me. “You are always doing that. I don’t even know what the New


    Homo sapien has started a runaway process that signals extinction. Who is surprised that plastic is toxic. I am humiliated when I tell people that Appalachian opiate addiction is a side effect of unmitigated corporate greed versus the extent to which morality can be used as a yardstick of a

  10. upstairs in our bed

    what sort of old stone house is this with its memories of the old people playing cards downstairs while we pretended sleep the kind of sleep lost somewhere between the morning and the mystical, the musical, and the misbehaved