What Are We Sure Of

The end of democracy. The end of class and caste. A chicken for every pot. If we could all just work together. For togetherness. The end of patriarchy. The end of the hierarchal pyramid that protects the American paradigm that does not work. All of the cultural institutions like education, religion, politics, economics have failed when they are perceived to be irrelevant. Americans only have a vague idea about how things work. They want it focused on one man because that’s an interaction they can imagine. You. And. Me. Representation is rendered an abstraction by too many bodies, too many manifestoes, too many representatives who are grossly mentally ill. A lot of chickens. A lot of pots. Who has time to do all of this cooking. Working two jobs kinda cuts the wrong way. I wonder if the kids might be able to handle being alone at night. Do you think the children of affluence even know how to cook a chicken. What’s a chicken. A chicken is the promise that is made to people who are expected to thrive because they’re working hard, hard, harder, faster, fast, fast, hit those quotas, get that data, and pound, pound, pound, capitalism’s fist  needs you, faster, faster, faster, and do not question the quality of life because there is none. The right to pursue happiness. Pursue. Pursue. Pursue. Why are you here. On the planet. You are here to get stuff. You need that stuff. You need it now, now, now. You deserve all this stuff you’ve worked so hard for. What else is there. Not much.