Tim Barrus Blog
Posts tagged with tim-barrus-and-the-new-york-times
Taking Photographs of Other Photographs
The Great American Novel is a novel by Tim Barrus. Release the doves.
Movie Stars On a Bench
My personal take on this photo has to do with class. Americans live in a Somalia of our making. The Appalachian poor have suicide rates that only keep going up. Those figures kickass Up&Up&Up&Up. Appalachia wrestles with deeply ingrained medieval poverty like no other place on earth. Social statistics for…
Books Banned In the South
Books Banned in the American South – Peter Rabbit – Tom Sawyer – Huckleberry Finn – The Blood Runs Like a River Through My Dreams – Winnie The Poo – Les Miserables – The Complete Works of William Shakespeare – Frankenstein – Treasure Island – Lolita – The Story of…
Snake Handlers Religion David French
Take notes. Religion. I want to know where all these leftists live. Is it a town of fugitive leftists. It’s a stereotype. The word leftist is not uncivil. But who are we talking about. The New York times has never connected the word leftist – to whom. Name me one…
Gus is Extraordinary
Take notes. I wept after seeing Gus so excited for his dad. I have autism. Saying inappropriate things is what I do. You learn real fast to look down at your feet. You creep away. Pulling all your neurodivergent sorries with you. It is extremely obvious that Gus comes from…
We Call Him Christmas
Tim Barrus Art
Ross Douthat is Wrong
There is a tinge of bitterness here. Let the old man go. Give him in a plaque on the wall. A ribbon. A bottle of Jack. Lunch. He could knight himself. Much ado about much ado. Why. How about because it would be nice. Aren’t we the nice people. We…
Tim Barrus on Ezra Klein
I can’t take this stuff seriously anymore. All I see are suits and suits and suits. The New York Times is the great-grandpa suits of suits. Your grandfather’s paper is still your grandfather’s paper. What one suit says to another suit. That’s always news. Not a single new idea. Some…
Tim Barrus: New York Times
Men Do Charleen lives down the dirt road from me. I will not dwell on trailer stereotypes. Charleen is poor. We read a lot about the poor poor. Charleen and her babies lived in the car that now sits at the side of the trailer in the thick nettle weeds.…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
The New York Times does not in any way represent freedom or freedom of speech. Their modus operandi is censorship. They bemoan censorship when it comes to other people being censored. Then, they use it more deeply than any other paper in the world. As a writer who has published…
Rowboat. Fish. Bait. Worms. A bucket for the fish. Books. I read in the rowboat. There are a couple of books at the bottom of the lake. I play around with photographs to disguise them so no one knows where I live. This time. I got chastised in print for…
Viable Gender Care Puts American Hair Aflame
Tim Barrus This all started at the New York Times. Then, it moved to FB. God help me. The piece we are all talking about is that gender change with kids is a pornography. This would be somewhat personal but why am I thinking that children living at the marginalized…
I Write What I See
I would like to see both Trump and Biden fighting it out. With bare fists and teeth. It’s how Americans know something is real. Conflict. Engagement. Blood. Continued engagement. Reengagement. To. What. End. We know some of that would be personal. Some of that would be political. All of it…
The American people will shrug and tolerate nuclear testing, too. How many ways can you get fucked in the ass and laughed at. Any other species would find it humiliating. That is the point of rape. How long have we been here. How long ago did homo sapiens begin to…
Consciousness and Identity
Consciousness is suffering. Some of us are fully conscious of who we are. Identity is an outside (your body) affiliation with other creatures of your kind. You are who they say you are. This is community. An agreement that we are unique and you are a part of us, and…
Tim Barrus and the New York Times
What parents will do not not do is not going to be up to the new york times Social Media is the current whipping boy. Adults see chaos. Kids see chaos, too, and most kids are able to say: Consider the Source. The kids who cannot have that internal dialogue…
4-year-old Dirt Bike Rider
A 4-year-old Cannot Handle a Dirt Bike. Some parents are clueless. – tim barrus
Do Not Burn the Pride Flag
MAGA has pulled the trigger. They claim they will be grabbing and burning Pride Flags. Personally, I think the New York Times got punked. This is where I am supposed say: Make My Day. “Make my day.” Why announce it. Just go for it. Now, that would be novel. They…
NYT Coverage of Children’s Issues Is That of Another Scavenger
Every piece the New York Times publishes, that is about children, childrens’ rights, the exploitation of children, child trafficking, is done by a writer who at the very least, sounds like a very nervous amateur. It is hardly safe for me to say the Mommy America Suburban Stuff (consumer culture)…
Tim Barrus: Tourism Is a Crime Against Humanity – New York Times
http://tim-barrus.format.com/ This is the South, and poverty pays the piper. We can’t coerce anyone to cart our garbage away, the town is impoverished, but we had 300,000,000 tourists in the past year, and we built a multi-million tourist center where you can get brochures with happy, smiling white children, this…
Name Change
You will not read this. NYT will do whatever it can to prevent you from reading this. Because it’s about voice. There is no voice when you use a blacklist to punish writers. How do I prove my point. Like this: Hit submit. Wait 24 hours. No publication. Sell it…
The blacklist is such an old and tired idea. It’s kinda stupid, really. Any publication that is so threatened, it blacklists the very kinds of writers it needs, is a media publication that is in big girl trouble. You are not a stable. And we not your horses. I am…
incendiary comments
I am not that guy.
Let us imbue all rapists with respect. Let us imbue the rapist with Bibles. Let us imbue criminals with cash. We could dump it out of airplanes flying over Palm Beach. Let us give serial rapists a parade. Flags. Flags. Let us bow down and prostrate ourselves into submission by…
We Do Not Know What Art Is
I write books that challenge the nature of identity. I do that on purpose. I am not my characters. I am my characters. A lot of that can be done by having one’s characters confront art. Do they confront art or are these fictional people who only look. Most novels…