Do Not Burn the Pride Flag

MAGA has pulled the trigger. They claim they will be grabbing and burning Pride Flags. Personally, I think the New York Times got punked.

This is where I am supposed say: Make My Day.

“Make my day.”

Why announce it.

Just go for it. Now, that would be novel.

They are stirring shit because that is what Republicans do. They never, ever express new ideas because they have none. As someone who has been in lots of fist fights, when they announce it from the rooftops, it means the family sheets go on because they know the Other Side, will be terrified by sheets. This is what I mean by They Have No New Ideas.

They’re not going to go for your jugular. They push people around at the New York Times with those sheets, so retro, so yesterday, but that does not mean anyone will bring a gun to a parade. Now, we’re talking.

Fact: There will be lots of guns at lots of parades.

Guns at parades is just another old idea. Is that all you’ve got. They never respond to that question. Raise your hand if you will be armed at the parade. Sounds like a rabbit hole to me.

That many.