I Write What I See
I would like to see both Trump and Biden fighting it out. With bare fists and teeth. It’s how Americans know something is real. Conflict. Engagement. Blood. Continued engagement. Reengagement. To. What. End. We know some of that would be personal. Some of that would be political. All of it would be a squalid parvenu. We have real skin in this game. I would ask them to read their To Be Executed list of names. The media will not inquire. Or it would have. I am autistic and I have this huge faultline in the cracks where I take people at face value. Nuance is distracting. A good guy. A bad guy. A cast of characters in between. What will be so different with the life I hauled out of bed this morning. You are on an execution list, oh, that silly thing. Generals are all taking early retirement. Before the election. They want out. Nowhere in sight. It’s not a ha ha. Who wants to be the guy who is handed the list. He could refuse. In fact, all members of the military are required to refuse an unlawful order. The word Refuse is my real name. Your identity as to which President you will be was invented at the age of ten. Particle physics suggests you can be ten over and over. A slugfest could ensue when the execution list is rolled out. NYT: tut, tut. NYT is on the list. I double dog dare you to show me the list of people awaiting execution. In fact, NYT is at the top of the list. I’m nobody. Don’t follow my wise advice. I only write what I see.