Tim Barrus Blog
Posts tagged with new-york-times-opinion
Civil moderation is the status quo at the New York Times. I have begged them to define what civil means. But they are literally not capable of it. The editing is infantile, ignorant, and borders on illiteracy. I wanted to write this differently. But here goes. Kathleen Kingsbury is the…
WHAT IS WRONG WITH NYT’S COLUMNISTS Take notes. What is wrong with you. This piece where you guys get together to moan and whine about IT. It is a criminal. A rapist. Trump is not a human being. He’s an It. Stop sitting around lamenting. It’s intolerable. The despot is…
Tim Barrus New York Times
Take notes. It’s a convicted rapist. Yet the country loves him. They do not care about women. They do not care about rape. Rape is a weapon of war. It has always wanted WAR. Are you ready to be led by a rapist. An It. Find some way to remove…
Rich People Have Agency
Take notes. I am a radical. Not a democrat. Not a republican. There are no independents. They employ the same political and cultural infrastructure – how things work – that the rest of us are compelled to use. Climate: Not a word. It’s the Trump go to for climate change,…
Next Flight Out
Take notes. After I put my kids on the flight out of America, and all the crying had slightly ebbed, I had to sit in the airport for about an hour because I could not get up. I knew I had done the right thing. America is just not a…
Walking the Walk
Take notes. We all want to know, is it worth it. This question haunts us as the Internet becomes a utility. The tech oligarchs are not keen on the idea. One of the things FDR did, was bringing electricity to rural America. The people who got electricity last, knew they…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
Take Notes. I have to watch what I write. What are the risks of having a voice. As a writer, every time I turn around, there are new rules. There are the NYT rules of etiquette. There are the religious rules about specific words that are not allowed. All new…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
Take notes. The question seems to be: How do we fight back. The alternative torture is to tie ourselves down to any railroad tracks. Oh, we picked #2 refrigerator. Just freeze us for four years. It doesn’t work. Brooks is sensibly telling us to move forward but carefully, and (this…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
Take notes. What I see is a media that is conveniently ignoring one big thing. The American people did this. They want this. They are this. The talking heads were wrong. Optimism is another lie. Hope is not available. It never has been. The Lower Middle Class gets its name…
On Fighting Back
Take notes. Trump wants to burn the constitution. He will write the new constitution. He already has. What I want to know is where are the tens of thousands of other people who have sworn to protect the constitution. Trump took this oath to protect. And so did every member…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
Take notes. I had to make a judgement call. I got my family out of North America. My decision was based in what the New York Times take is. In all the talk about vibes, the publication has one, too. It’s dark. It’s fearful. It’s nervous. If it wasn’t, something…
A Division Laid Bare
Take notes. The graphic implies a civil war. It’s in your face. The image works, but not alongside the writing of this particular article. Soltis-Anderson is kinda perky, and very informed. The juxtaposition of the flag, with its message that we are undone, is a whole world away from the…
Other People Took the Same Oath
Take notes. All flights (to anywhere) on November 6 are filling fast. I have already got my family out. The trick is to know when to get out of Dodge. The American people simply do not believe Trump will do what he has pledged to do. The threat to execute…
Like No
Take notes. The despair is real. The hate is real. And the revenge that drives the beast is real as well. We don’t talk about jealousy too much. This is a Culture World War. You will be told that it’s more complex than that, and it is. But not to…
North Korea
Take notes. I would like to know what was said in those phone calls to the Kremlin. Is contacting the leader of a country we are at war with even legal. I forgot. There is nothing treasonous about calling up a really close, close friend. I forgot. Illegal is a…
Ezra Kline Pulls His Punches
Take notes. I would never say: The American people are stupid. I might think it. But I would not say it. Mainly, because the American people are armed. It is not uncivil for me to say that the American people desire to be entertained. Trump is giving them what they…
Ross Douthat’s Catholicism is Subordination
Take notes. There is no god. There is no Jesus. There is no heaven. There are no wing rentals for Victoria’s Secret Angels. There are no angels. There are no gates. There is no sane theology. There never was a virgin Mary. Jesus did not walk on water. When Ross…
History is history. Repeating it is what homo sapiens sapiens do. Take notes. I have been listening to the whole Let Us Have More Babies And More Babies. So that we can keep the status quo of growth at all costs, development at all costs, overcrowding at all costs, environmental…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
Take notes. Great piece. I knew we were in trouble when the Hurricane blew the front door off. I live at the top of a mountain in the Appalachian Blue Ridge. I have survived 22 hurricanes. But nothing like this one. The water was coming at us sideways. There was…
Tim Barrus: New York Times
Take notes. Thank you for one very well-written piece. I did think that the issue of violent rhetoric was glossed over. This happens in journalism when one is trying to sound somewhat objective in relationship to how political considerations enter into the focus of how big is this dragon. That…
Tim Barrus and the New York Times
Take notes. I get a lot of Reader Flack from readers that strenuously resent: “Why do you always have to deal with dead kids. It’s depressing us. Poor us.” I write about children I know. Having been in Special Education, I write about what I know. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Multiple…
You do not know me. You could never live my life. You would not survive it. I wanted to scratch one big window lined with clawmarks. I wanted him out. You can’t have him. He’s mine. The States are not safe. I don’t give a fuck what you believe. I…
Tim Barrus: New York Times
Take notes. I have no faith. Things are worsening fast. I got my kids to another country. I am hopeful we will have a civil war. Repeat: I am hopeful we will have a civil war. The problem is that – allow me to call them the Normals – it…
Tim Barrus: Rape in a Hospital
I was asked to testify before a senate committee dealing with HIV health issues and doctors. I took a walk. I do not trust homo sapiens sapiens one little bit. I’m autistic. There is nothing you can do to me that would bend me toward whatever it is you want.…