Tim Barrus Blog

Posts tagged with tim-barrus-on-fb

  1. I Want Caleb’s Bike

    Take notes. Caleb is a lucky guy. Curiosity drives us to a film set where people actually live. With all that stuff. Caleb has a voice. That is what a camera is, a voice. That is what a video is, a voice. The spaces that reflect us are accumulated voices.

  2. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    I stumbled and there, Literary Heist Was. A focused dream of thoughts that are actually thoughts. I wrote a book called GENOCIDE. It picks up where reality (such as it is) left off. And everyone believed it was time to say HIV is not a problem. And now we move

  3. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    Take Notes. I have to watch what I write. What are the risks of having a voice. As a writer, every time I turn around, there are new rules. There are the NYT rules of etiquette. There are the religious rules about specific words that are not allowed. All new

  4. Tim Barrus New York Times

    Take Notes. Leftists? The term is a lie that journalists use in their hypothesis of the definitional political boundaries. Those leftists. But. Who are these so-called leftists. I know this: You made it up. God help us. Who are these people. Who shakes the hand of a Marxist and says:

  5. Tim Barrus New York Times

    Take notes. There are alternatives for renter folks who know how to look. Farms. I was living in a cabin that I built on a mountaintop in the Blue Ridge Mountains. It was pastoral on steroids. Hurricane Helene changed everything. It wiped us out. I am renting a house in

  6. Tim Barrus New York Times

    Take notes. I’m not buying it. The election was stolen. Period. I do not sweat the small stuff.  You guys don’t understand that the American people did this. No one else will say this, but the American people are a mean lot. I hate America. I goy my kids out.

  7. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    Take notes. What I see is a media that is conveniently ignoring one big thing. The American people did this. They want this. They are this. The talking heads were wrong. Optimism is another lie. Hope is not available. It never has been. The Lower Middle Class gets its name

  8. Like No

    Take notes. The despair is real. The hate is real. And the revenge that drives the beast is real as well. We don’t talk about jealousy too much. This is a Culture World War. You will be told that it’s more complex than that, and it is. But not to

  9. Ezra Kline Pulls His Punches

    Take notes. I would never say: The American people are stupid. I might think it. But I would not say it. Mainly, because the American people are armed. It is not uncivil for me to say that the American people desire to be entertained. Trump is giving them what they

  10. The Writing Life – NYT

    https://www.nytimes.com/2024/10/20/podcasts/the-daily/tony-tulathimutte-feminist.html#permid=136977606 Take notes. There is no such thing as identity. Identity is a cultural concept of the self at war with society. I have had many windmills in my life. Those things we shake our swords at. What comes around, goes around. I lied. I said I was someone (I

  11. Tim Barrus New York Times

    Take notes. Grief, too, comes for everyone. I worked with adolescent boys who had HIV. Those were the days when nothing and no one was safe. Two thirds of them had lost one parent. Many had concomitant issues (various cancers). When someone from the group died, the boys insisted they

  12. Tim Barrus: Dirt Bike Town

    Tim Barrus, Dirt Bike Town

  13. The End

    No mention of alcohol and HIV. I was working with adolescent boys with HIV and alcoholism. I have read thousands of these well-written, cogent pieces. But even the mention in this article – and all the others – is missing a lot. AIDS means stigma. Alcohol does not block the

  14. Tim Barrus: Bring In the Next One

    Tim Barrus: The New York Times Take Notes. Just walking down the street, and you explode. Personally, I think it’s a game changer. As big as the bomb. Imagine: You can explode anything you want to explode. You don’t even need a bomb for that. 3,000 people exploding. Today. High

  15. The Internet IS a Pornography

    Take Notes. When the Internet was still a baby, many people were excited that art itself could be expressed on the Internet, and virtually bring new art to everyone. The reason the Internet became the Internet was because the Sears and Roebuck Catalogue, capitalism, and all the usual suspects like

  16. Eat Me

    I threw out color. I’m autistic. Red was a problem. Whatever dye they use makes me explode with hives, and you will swear, you feel like bees are attacking you. I do not know about dyes. All I know is I cannot wear red anything. I do not know why

  17. How To Fight Back

    The government controls what happens to our bodies. Serfs don’t do policy. Wanna bet. I was abused recently at a hospital where they use force and humiliation to control you. Fight back. MAGA has rendered science political. The analogies to patient’s right are obvious. Nursing staff forcefully stripped me naked


    I live in an extremely remote place in Appalachia. We are just now coming to the end of a drought. We don’t need some expert who tells us that it’s getting hotter, Duh. Frankly, I think the experts are wrong about the timetable speed. It’s getting hotter faster. No snow

  19. Tim Barrus: Naked Before Us

    The boys I was dealing with sat on folding chairs in a circle. “Okay, who is going to play Richard Hatch, and who’s going to be Amarosa.” The question was What Is Reality. What is reality on TV. Or. What does it really mean. The boys all had HIV. A

  20. Tim Barrus: What Economics

    Take notes. As the middle class slides down the rabbit hole, the middle class will encounter exactly what they think they left. The lower middle class. We welcome you to our hovel. I cannot read articles like this without thinking: Where are the poor in this. In Appalachia, we know


    He’s going down. The crazy daisies will now be his status quo. He’s not going to put himself in another debate with someone who just ragged him into a pool of make-up and sweat. But can she win the election remains the last pseudo-journalistic place to hide. But can she

  22. Today Is More Important Than The Past

    I do this stuff for the suits. On a personal level, I’m just this anonymous guy – nothing special – on a dirt bike passing by shooting images on a GoPro. Of you. And you. And you. Kids want to know why “You’all don’t wear a helmet is the law…

  23. The Undecided

    Take notes. In the bedrock heart of America, there’s always Vegas. It’s the highwire act in the middle of the dog and pony show. I was doing a magazine piece, and I was stuck in Vegas. There was a long row of one-armed bandits. I wanted this one on tape.

  24. Comment Moderation Softens the Image for the Bad Guys

    If I so much as write – Trump is a rapist – comment moderators will side with Trump, and then, the swords come out. I get axed. Yet it’s civil for a columnist to articulate the same fact. There are several realities going on here. The reality of the rape.

  25. Books Banned In the South

    Books Banned in the American South – Peter Rabbit – Tom Sawyer – Huckleberry Finn – The Blood Runs Like a River Through My Dreams – Winnie The Poo – Les Miserables – The Complete Works of William Shakespeare – Frankenstein – Treasure Island – Lolita – The Story of…