The Internet IS a Pornography

Take Notes. When the Internet was still a baby, many people were excited that art itself could be expressed on the Internet, and virtually bring new art to everyone. The reason the Internet became the Internet was because the Sears and Roebuck Catalogue, capitalism, and all the usual suspects like Rupert Murdoch needed money. Any discussion of art on the Internet began with What Is Art. Would 12-27 even know they’re in a cul de sac. The question What Is Art is bait. They want to sell you something. Where I live (Appalachia) it’s called snake oil. They gave art about an hour to connect art to the Internet. While the fetish for stuff runs hotter and hotter. Longer. What is art. Art is a niche in the shadows again and again and again. It’s not meaningful. Then, what is meaningful. The Internet is a junkie. You get a hit of dopamine every time you turn it on. Your brain thanks you. Bells. Whistles. Smoke machines. Contests. Friends. Friends. Friends. You have no idea who these people are. My own friends, the real ones, often click their fingers by my ears as a signal for me to listen to lectures about reality and I am not in it. I’m autistic. I’m not in it because it’s Alice Down The Rabbit Hole. The Internet is Stuff. We don’t have enough stuff. Gen Z needs more stuff. Internet Porn uses more energy than crypto. It’s a go to place for really bad porn (free) and a go to place for really bad porn but you will pay. Gen Z is being exploited. The Internet is a pornography.