Tim Barrus Blog
Posts tagged with Tim-Barrus-New-York-Times
Tim Barrus, New York Times
This. On the web. Next to: How To Bake a Turkey. This. From the same folks in every form of publishing who tell me day in and day out, that as I am a writer, I know very little, I’m not very good as a writer anyway, and that they…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
Creating the Land of Lies I don’t have to imagine anything. So. Now, the New York Times is accentuating the word lie. Why couldn’t the New York Times call the lies, lies, years ago. Birtherism is another lie among the Elephant Man’s bones of lies. A graveyard. Finally, outrage. Where…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
I am with ANTIFA. I drive my motorcycle from city to city, protest to protest, riot to riot. I see some of the same people in these locations. Many of them were taking photographs. They are not with ANTIFA. Whenever I tried to get closer to these people, they disappeared.…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
Post-apocalyptic cultures are supposed to be the products of fiction. Failed states. Failed people. Failed economic structures. Failed religions. Failed institutions. Failed individuals. Failed public policy. Or all of the above at the same time. It is the mystical belief that our species is impervious to failure that is a…
Tim Barrus New York Times
I am retarded. In a conventional lifeline, the routines of ordinary individuals keep the human brain afloat. You have your routine. The world is just fine. There is a methododical impulse that has to do with measurement. We are constantly measuring which also happens while we dream, and the brain…
Death Coin for the Boatman
Tim Barrus New York Times I work with adolescents who are medically fragile. Covid would kill them. Poverty is killing them, and not softly. Their family structures have broken down. There isn’t a single adult in the accumulated families of the group who has work. People are suffering and looking…
Tim Barrus New York Times
I work with adolescent boys who have HIV. Psychiatric intervention is not enough. Medication is not enough. You have to be there for the kid 24/7. Panic does not share our schedules. Panic does not share the school schedule. Suicide has its own agendas. The idea that “if only, the…
Tim Barrus New York Times
Now that the regime has the Supreme Court to remove our rights, and they all stand around Dear Leader who is brandishing the Bible, in righteousness, the packed Supreme Court will be empowered in much the same way the DOJ is empowered to function as a personal attorney. What I…
Tim Barrus New York Times
In order for greed to thrive, there has to be some kind of a culture, or the approximation of one, for greed to thrive in. To pretend capitalism is the breeding ground of morality, is to pretend that a television personality is Santa Claus who goes from house to house,…
Tim Barrus New York Times
Try being out here on a motorcycle. Flying ash hits your face like a hot slap. We are heading out of this. America is a smoking nightmare. Pharaoh rules from Washington, DC. The divine intermediary between god and the rest of us common folk. We could use him now with…
Your Sacred Democracy Is Dead
Someone at the New York Times is consistently employing the word lies. Not falsehoods. Not misstatements. Someone there is calling a spade a spade. The softening of the blow – this refusal to call a lie a lie renders the publication itself complicit – is patently absurd and beneath contempt.…
I’m With Antifa
The New York Times is worried about people taking the side of the rioters. We are silenced. I am not allowed to comment on riots in America although I have been to most of them. The riots are like America because the riots are America. Kenosha feels like Minneapolis. And…
Tim Barrus New York Times
When it comes to reopening schools in the middle of a Covid pandemic, foster children walk a very fine line. It is very easy for them to lose their balance. When we cover parenting, we forget about thousands when we leave foster parenting out of our focus. Foster parents are…
Tim Barrus New York Times
Every time we turn around to face whatever wind that is coming at us, we hear voices of a predestined fate, laughing at us in a cataclysm of deprivation and corruption. We hear the voices behind that wind, pushing it, always telling us – we don’t matter, we are irrelevant,…
Tim Barrus New York Times
I would join the violence in the streets. America has failed. Call out the cops. America has still failed. Call out the military. America has still failed. Call out Homeland Security. America has still failed. Call out Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. America has still failed. Call out ICE. Call out…
Tim Barrus New York Times
I home school my boys. Public school sees them as failures. This stigma covers them like sewage. It does not wash away. Here’s what my boys can do. Find kids lost in the mountain woods we live in. Train dogs. Train dogs to find kids lost in the mountain woods.…
Tim Barrus New York Times
Adapt or die. What happens in Sturgis will not stay in Sturgis. Ignorance, hubris, and intransigence exist in the soul of America. Our species is subject to the same biological constructs that exist in every single evolutionary paradigm of adapt or die. It doesn’t matter if you want Johnny and…
Tim Barrus New York Times
Instability can kill. So inconvenient. I mentor boys at-risk. They are easily suicidal. Jumping into the abyss is with a shrug. Way before COVID. All the usual suspects. School failure, HIV, every other STD, suicide attempts times ten, sex work, addiction, sex addiction, rage management, homelessness, grand theft auto, shoplifting,…
Tim Barrus New York Times
Trump happened. This American enigma has devastated and wiped out an incomprehensible number of American lives. And then, there are lives standing at edges of the abyss. So much of America is holding its cumulative breath waiting to see if their government is able to respond to their collective need…
The Straws That Break the Camel’s Back
Tim Barrus, the New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/03/health/coronavirus-tuberculosis-aids-malaria.html#commentsContainer&permid=108456967:108456967 Theoretically, someone could have multiple diseases. And public health, as we know it, is the answer. Malaria. Covid. TB. HIV. Are you kidding me. I have been visiting other public health systems versus just the one I am intimately acquainted with where I…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
Trump Hates Tik Tok As someone who works with kids, I see them vigorously laughing. The ones I work with go the beating heart of the matter. They shut down Trump’s rally in Oklahoma. This is what is called collective power. This is why the government is going after Tik…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
In the past, it was the crazy people who lived in armed fortresses at the tops of mountains in Idaho. They wanted revolution. We could patronize. “That’s nice but you’re a lunatic.” Survival is not a status quo Americans want to question. Blindness is easier. But how will we survive…
Federal Officers From Ice and the DEA Have Infiltrated Protest Groups
Protest groups organizing demonstrations across the country have been infiltrated by officers of the Feds whose experince includes infiltrating organized drug cartels in South and Central America. Protest groups are a piece of cake. To the Feds, they’re all the same. They get your name. They get where you live.…
Tim Barrus New York Times
Going around the government. You can’t believe a word they say. I wonder how that happened. So the press steps in. Because they have to. This is why the people who wrote the Second Amendment wrote the Second Amendment. Data is free speech. Johnny get yer gun. But everywhere there…
Tim Barrus: New York Times
Insanity Is the Status Quo. The country is collapsing. The culture is collapsing. Institutions are collapsing. The economy is collapsing. Authority maintains that everything is fine, here in Appalachia. There is no evidence to support this. There is evidence that the opposite is true. We are the only family on…