Tim Barrus Blog
Posts tagged with AIDS
Survival is Vile Shit
I wonder if any of you have ever noticed that it is sometimes those who find most pleasure and amusement in their fellow man, and have most hope in his goodness, who get the reputation of being his most carping critics. Maybe it is that the satirist is so full…
On Being Here
i have never wanted to be here because i am above it all all all all daddy tried beating it the fuck out of me and i was literally at-risk of being murdered. he bashed my head through walls and came after me with broken liquor bottles but i could…
Car Thief
For Robb Nagle VIDEO: KEVIN WAS A CAR THIEF So. Exactly. Who. The. Fuck. Do. U. Think. I. Would. Know. Junkies. Drug Dealers. Card counters. (I love Card Counters because they screw around with casinos). Car thieves. Kevin was a car thief. “Wanna go for a ride.” I was always…
Tim Barrus: New York Times: All Politics is Local
Tim Barrus: New York Times I sit in in silence at HIV clinics with people who cling to their oxygen tanks. AIDS is far from over. Americans pay $2K for Truvada which costs $8 in Australia. The depression and hopelessness you write about is real. I thank you for your…
Port of Call
Public Health has failed us. People tell me all the time: TIM, IT’S NOT LIKE THAT ANYMORE. Supposedly, we are living in a medical Renaissance. What a wonderful time to be alive. Until the day it’s not. Public Health refuses to give him the drugs he needs to stay alive.…
Tim Barrus: NY Times
It is known that HIV causes inflammation. I do not know of a single effective medical treatment. We are left to wonder. The notion of “living with cancer” seems to correlate with “living with HIV.” Or both. The HIV meds do not seem to affect inflammation. Anecdotally, people living with…
Take Off Your Shirt
Take off your shirt. No, I don’t want people to see me. (I look around) There’s no one here take off your shirt. No, I look like I’m sick. You are sick. No. Everyone knows you have it. It’s worse when everyone thinks we all died 20 years ago. Take…
Tim Barrus: New York Times
AIDS did not go away. There was no one to help. Or to listen. Caregivers. This was not going to be a vacation. This was not going to be just pop a little pill. Many people can pop that pill and they are fine. For some, the piggyback diseases are…
Tim Barrus: New York Times: Boys Raped
Some kids have never had real parents. They have always parented themselves. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/16/style/snowplow-parenting-scandal.html?comments#permid=31096013 College admission? I work with young adolescent boys with HIV. In rural Appalachia. Reading about parenting is like reading about Mars. Every boy has been raped. You think not. Overly dramatic. Yet rape is a way of…
Tim Barrus: NY Times: HIV and Pain
Photo by Smurf Tim Barrus: The New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/17/opinion/girls-pain-sexual-abuse.html?comments#permid=30675672 The male-dominated medical establishment has failed us all. Men reject the charge of complete and utter failure. Example: Women are almost never mentioned and never portrayed in any of the uninspired rhetoric campaigns focused on HIV treatment. The stick figures…
We Bury Our Own Dead
AIDS went off the radar screens. But it’s still there. Lurking in the background noise. It’s a demographic now. Whatever the fuck they want to say about it, AIDS is hard to miss in Appalachia. For those of us who live here, there’s little reality in the outstretched hand of…
What Light At The End Of What Tunnel
It is the light at the end of the HIV tunnel that is an illusion.
When Death Is Best
In life, you can find yourself falling into situations that you don’t want to be in. Sometimes, that situation is life itself. We at Smash Street are using video to explore what this means and how it feels. The medical infrastructure that constitutes facilitating surviving both sexual exploitation and HIV…
AIDS Orgs Have Their Own Special Brand of Lies
World AIDS Day Is Hubris
Statistics abound. This is the landscape of medical statistics because statistics do not speak back. They’re impotent. As impotent as we are in the face of HIV. A simple strand of virus. Is not impotent. If you look at where the species came from, do you really think that HIV…
I’m Washing My Hair That Night
If there was a way to skateboard in a flood, we would find it. Business as usual. Intervention Is. Sometimes impossible. I have learned the hard way that you cannot impose interventions on adolescent boys twenty-four hours a day. It’s not my fault. I didn’t raise them. I am merely…