World AIDS Day Is Hubris

Statistics abound.

This is the landscape of medical statistics because statistics do not speak back.

They’re impotent.

As impotent as we are in the face of HIV.

A simple strand of virus.

Is not impotent.

If you look at where the species came from, do you really think that HIV was an accident.

Believe whatever you fucking want.

Our species and the AIDS virus originated from the same emerging landscapes. HIV is our past devouring our future much in the same way our very culture eats its young.

We are carnivorous. But are we as carnivorous as HIV.

I wrote a book once called GENOCIDE. No one got it. No one understood it. I had to import a lot of sex to get people to even look at it.


Can you see the connection. Can you get the focus. Can you understand the drive.

My critics huffily call me antisex.

I am antisex.

I hate sex. It makes me sick.

If you’re going to really go for a species, where would you go for them.

I assume, there is life after sex.

It looks like an alien planet to me.

An atmosphere of argon. Methane. Ammonia. Nitrogen. Carbon dioxide. Seething. Belching. I would be a Belter.

The universe is only the universe. It does not like us because it does not know we are there.

The ancient past is water vapor, the lack of it, and a dust storm is on the way. Chances are, power will go out.

I live in Appalachia where HIV is more common than you can know because if you are reading this, you are not from Appalachia, and, honey, you do not live here, suck dick here, or sell your pussy here because that is what you got.

If you are reading this, you are not in Appalachia.

The ancient past is dire poverty.

Today is still endemic poverty.

All your tomorrows will be more poor than you can know even when you arrive fully armed with tech.

Your tech will not keep up.

You will be the vicious species you always were. Carnivorous and impoverished.

Nothing really changes. And you know it.

Pollyanna, it’s not your turn. It’s my turn. It’s not world AIDS Day yet.

Like that dust storm. It’s coming.

World AIDS day is hubris.

Your species sorely needs hubris to survive.

So I get it. Your need to wrap something in the glitzy wrapping paper of progress.

Is it better if I get to be alive, oh, happyface me, but I am condemned to live in a landscape where it takes nine months to get an appointment at a public health AIDS clinic you might mistake for a filthy, depressing, crowded waiting room standing room only where Mommies everywhere change Little Johnny’s shit-filled diapers right there on the floor as Little Johnny screams his fucking guts out.

And I can barely walk and even then only with a cane. I would like to wack the mommies at the clinic with my cane. Get that shit out of here.

With AIDS, everything is literal. Stop asking me to be sane. Dementia only is.

“Be nice this year, Tim.”

I hear it every November, then World AIDS Day arrives.

If I can remember it.

If there was any true leadership in the AIDS community, we’d all be breaking doors at Big Pharma because they are the ones who are having the real party, and their party is bigger than our party.

Our party has the pink punch and balloons.

Their party has the Big Girl drugs. They invented them.

Here in Appalachia, you have to step over the bodies.

Do we see the deplorables demonstrating at Big Pharma’s doors.


They’re too busy defending the dictator they elected to protect Big Pharma.

Whoops! Had again. You can frighten the deplorables once. You can frighten the deplorables twice. You can frighten the deplorables a thousand times. They’re just too stupid to do anything more about it than defend the man who uses them. Baby, go get Daddy a beer and pass the fentanyl.

There is no true leadership in the AIDS community. You will not find it at an AIDS ORG.

Have you filled out the forms yet.

You will not find leadership at the UN. The UN represents mainly all the goon governments and organized crime. Been there. Done the UN. I speak from experience.

Not purely righteousness.

What we have for leaders are pussies.

It’s more fun to throw a celebration than it is to be arrested. Arrested for disturbing THEIR peace is so yesterday.

What, did you think the drug companies went away. They only became more wealthy. More powerful. What they did was co-opt you. You folded. You settled for increments. Minutiae. One iddybiddy pixel at a time. You were tired. Defeated. And now, you’re dead.

World AIDS day is wishful thinking. It is hubris. Stop patting yourself on the back. You didn’t DO anything.

DO means a hell of a lot more than attend a fundraiser, Baby.

HIV does not like us because it does not know we are there.