Tim Barrus and the New York Times

David Leonhardt is an opinion/editorial columnist at the New York Times. I agree with him on many things, and admire his writing.

Often, his reasoning is lame.

If only — we just worked together.

If only…

I am sick and tired of hearing all the if only we coulds one after the other. Over and over and over again.

People loathe hearing that they are powerless to control their own lives. Just stick together.

Right. To see what happens when we throw ideas at the wall.

Subheading: “Another moment for peaceful public protest has arrived.”

The Eastern Elites get nervous when the idea of peacefulness gets challenged. Because they have a lot to lose. Trump or no Trump.

Peacefulness and godliness go to war where agreements that Did Brooks would approve of live and breathe because both sides would be gentlemen.

If everyone just listened to the enemy. Sometimes the enemy is the enemy. Sometimes what fails to stick to the wall is the status quo.

Like. Peacefulness. Matters.

Idiot that I am, I was compelled to respond.

Why peaceful.

The Trump Mafia is laughing.

Go ahead. Demonstrate. Bring out the crowds. Sing songs and slogans.

Tell yourselves it will be enough. Tell yourselves the conservatives will listen. Tell yourselves Republicans will care. Tell yourselves elections remain relevant. Tell yourselves your own constitution is a document you have read and understand. Tell yourselves that taking an oath to defend the constitution means exactly that. Tell yourselves that American institutions can take the hate and the heat.

Tell yourselves that if you just remain peaceful, your voices will be heard and the effort will be meaningful.

You don’t understand. Anything.

You have already sold your souls when you accepted him as President and you continued along your merry way with the kind of status quos that are a complete fantasy.

The term peaceful is a fear-based buzzword. He’s laughing at you all the way to the banks he owns. Metaphors abound. What is real is that you are powerless. Tell me how he will lose. Tell me the American people are in charge of their own lives. Tell me peaceful will turn the tide. Tell me how many years the Vietnam war wore on a country worn out, exhausted, depressed. Tell me you cling to your peaceful hope. Tell me it matters what you cling to because you are of faith. Tell me your morality matters. Tell me all about King George.

Tell me inequality doesn’t matter. Tell me the rich have not won.

You are asking the wrong questions.

Tell me why you are here.

