Tim Barrus Blog

Posts tagged with protest

  1. Tim Barrus New York Times

    Now that the regime has the Supreme Court to remove our rights, and they all stand around Dear Leader who is brandishing the Bible, in righteousness, the packed Supreme Court will be empowered in much the same way the DOJ is empowered to function as a personal attorney. What I

  2. Prepare For Blood In The Streets

    I would never ever ever never never never even suggest that America is facing civil war. I would never ever ever ever never never in any way share or form advocate for such a bad bad bad bad naughty thing. I want peace and love and piece and love and…

  3. Tim Barrus New York Times

    Going around the government. You can’t believe a word they say. I wonder how that happened. So the press steps in. Because they have to. This is why the people who wrote the Second Amendment wrote the Second Amendment. Data is free speech. Johnny get yer gun. But everywhere there

  4. Resisting Arrest: Fuck the Police

    The best way to resist arrest is to simply run. So many cops are just plain old fucking fat. Give them a real obstacle course to deal with. You should know that there are cops who will shoot you in the back. Plastic handcuffs can be whittled down and cut…

  5. Tim Barrus: New York Times: Get Real

    Michelle Goldberg at the New York Times tells us to hit the streets. Nine million Americans live in the streets. Exactly how is it that they’re supposed to hit them. The New York Times people are smart and they have good intentions. But they live in a well-funded bubble, and

  6. Tim Barrus and the New York Times

    David Leonhardt is an opinion/editorial columnist at the New York Times. I agree with him on many things, and admire his writing. Often, his reasoning is lame. If only — we just worked together. If only… I am sick and tired of hearing all the if only we coulds one…