Tim Barrus Blog
Posts tagged with tim-barrus-photography
Xrayy Photography Has Me By the Balls
I do defy but by degrees most photos from the past but the past of what is another dimension and this one would be filled with light. Despite being quite a step forward in artificial lighting development, the early chemicals used in photography were harsh and could only turn out…
Dirt Bike Town
Diaspora never happens in a vacuum.
I Had Died an Hour Before
There is nothing serious about mortality.
Jeep Sex
Dirt Bike Town and the Ha Ha
Tim Barrus Cabin Xray
It’s cold up the mountain. This morning, Jump Off was covered in a white erie frost. I can’t spend winters up here because at night, it’s easily below zero. My avascular system (an extreme form of arthritis) kicks in, and I literally cannot move. You have to keep the fireplace…
Tim Barrus: The Woods of Cleopatra
On Ponies Whatever nature is in its just causes, the winter will arrive. There is no such thing as an alignment that men do not stand still. Next to looking inward at what is interpreted as tragedy, I do not buy it. The last of the cringe and the plot…
Blue Ridge Mountains
The only way up here is you take this path or go home. I have a bunch of signs that said: Radiation Zone. Any of the horses around here will know this path, and they also know that they will be well-fed. I am getting hate mail again. I am…
I left him there because we have gone through this fifty times.
How many times can I bail him out of detention before they finally have had their fill of him. Boys like him in Appalachia are a dime a dozen. He needs help. Not prison. Where do you think most rapes of boys happen. It happens in the very institutions we…
https://daylightbooks.org DAYLIGHT BOOKS I cannt even tell you or explain how photography (it’s probably a stim) has touched its hot breath into my life not unlike a tongue you want that tonge in your mouth because the immediacy of whatever it is that holds humanity together by images – hands…
Tim Barrus: Appalachia Town
“Do you reckon you will take pictures of the house.” “No.”
Tim Barrus: There Be Shadows in The Scratchings on the Rocks
To which is fixed. Midnight on a spit. Slanderous tongues and savages.
Tim Barrus: Most of Life Feels Haunted
I was there when the everyone had left you. And your stunned What Did I Do turned to What Exactly did you think would happen. When the whispering stops. And your eye that has been watching this dream of all your second selves who claim they will now walk into…
Tim Barrus: To Make Me a Fixed Figure For the Time of Scorn
Still soliciting. It’s a buyers market. Times ten.
Tim Barrus: Photography Can Focus On A Stereotype and Imbue It With Fear On A stick
They told me to jump in the back. But I have no ribs. They told me to jump in the back. But my tongue already burned in him. And falling through the anger when we are told we have nothing to be angry about. Lets a lot of people off…
Tim Barrus: The WhirlWind Is Gaunt
Seeing as how the circumstances had us sliding out any number of windows and one we broke. Damn, we must be like those video stars on Survive This.
Tim Barrus: Take the Last Train to Clarksville
We were on fire to booze in that place you wanna know what was so weird it was the only place where the hallocinogenics were free cus it was a chop shop and they were broke that week so we took the drugs and there was some mushrooms in there…
Tim Barrus: Self-portrait or Selfie
It’s selfish. I interact with people to learn from their second selves. The part of them that just is.
Tim Barrus: The Virtues of Repair
I want to write stories that are at their core, an in-between-ness, I call these these stories our Second Selves. Everyone screams blood about diversity, and that is fine. No diversity is like a forest with only one kind of tree. Only certain people can tell certain stories. Only the…
Tim Barrus: The Aside of Horizontal
What do you really glimpse in a collage of horizontals. Little electric shots and then, it’s over.
Tim Barrus: It Isn’t Going To Take A Photograph By Itself
Your lucid moment has not risen to the level of ourselves. Endless grief. What does it mean. Nothing. A rusty pickup stopped. And we got in. You misplaced your camera in that empty house.
Tim Barrus, Play With Light if You Can
Single Lens Reflex Cameras are fine. For the people who want that. You can only make so many travel brochures, postcards, and Kardashion’s ass combined. GoPro is marketed as an action camera. But sports is not the only terrain a GoPro can be used. This is an underused (marketing has…
Tim Barrus: The Palm Tree’s Name Was Romeo
Romeo was witness to a thousand things a day in that chicken-scratch yard it seems to want to escape from Get Me Out of Here. This palm tree is the moon. I am the man in the moon. This dying house is my dying house. This book, my dog.
Tim Barrus, New York Times
Composedly Trembling
Tim Barrus: We Could Join the Circus
The crows were let loose upon you. Gone without a word. The shiney objects were the swords in your eyes.
Tim Barrus: The Dude Is Out
They were lots of fire, dust, and behaving as if they travel through the astonishing two-split experiment where electromagnetic radiation – photons – came to fall into your earth of second selves.