Tim Barrus Blog

Posts tagged with smash-street

  1. pretty pictures of you

    the hunger for voyages was in his face https://tim-barrus.format.com/tim-barrus/238927-i-opened-my-eyes

  2. Ordinary Matter

    the human animal is made of ordinary matter/ the elements the animal is made from have a gravitas and interact with light/ when you left, i could not walk through any of our rooms without being hit in the face with the subsequent warmness that you were still there/ all…

  3. Your Organizing Abilities

    organizing them is like putting together a bunch of cats in a race to see which cat was the fastest god knows they do not listen to me but maybe it has something to do with the bullhorn

  4. sometimes the past

    I work with kids whose different pasts have the effect of trying to swallow them whole on a moment to moment basis. The past is not always our “little friend.” Nor is it necessarily representative of a better time in a better place. It only is. I have no fucking…

  5. FireHead

    I have asked the Smash Street Boys to bounce off a response I made to David Brooks in the New York Times. Brooks writes about suicide quite often. His work is excellent. This time, he is integrating the reality of AI into the examination of what makes people tick. Tick.…

  6. Except For This

    except for this, i am always hanging on to stones/ i should have known better than to take a dancer home/ at least i called it a home/ someone had to/ i do have rules/ rule#1/ never ever ever ever take a dancer home unless you are completely mad/ a

  7. Midnight Playground

    for quick cash there was always the midnight playground where the tricks would slowly emerge from their hiding places in the shadows and the trees the stars above you cannot be heard for the tigers and the local wolves

  8. Tim Barrus: Jonah’s Mountain

    I am amused and sustained by the idea that the end of homo sapiens’ domination of the planet will be sooner than anyone suspected. The end is irreversible now. It is too late. Many scientists know. They give voice to this reality in private. What good would blowing whistles do.…

  9. Tim Barrus: The New York Times: Suicide

    http://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/14/opinion/suicide-prevention.html?comments#permid=31069462 After they are dead, I will go into their rooms to smell them. As if to remind myself that each one is a separate individual. I put his pillow in my face and breathe him in deeply. I crawl naked into his bed. I finally sleep. The days after…

  10. Video: Chinatown, Chinatown

    Poetry Performance: by Tim Barrus Poetry Script: by Harrison Camera Work: Smurf I do not want to be a spy for hope. I do not believe in hope. I know this: Life sucks. I want to be a spy for crazy. It’s crazy to be in extraordinary and chronic pain.…

  11. Video: U Gotta Have Your Own Thing

    Performance: by Tim Barrus Poetry Script: by Darren Camera: Smurf Death is when you have nothing about yourself including you. You gotta have your own thing.

  12. writing about HIV and being sexually abused

    I would liquidate my body But especially my ass That is what he always wanted I had to hold still While my mind screamed Squandering depreciation A pull upon the Pursuit of extortion If I told he would kill me It was not a joke He would kill me At…

  13. Your Clandestine Appearances

    Video: Tim Barrus let’s be clear/ the only reason you are allowed anywhere near us has to do with money and revenge/ the cash you leave behind belonged to you/ the revenge is mine/ the kid you abused has seen you walking through/ but you will not ever, ever see…

  14. And the Prince to Hunt you Down: Post 2

    This is just an experiment. That is all it is. I made it to see if I could. It is not very good. But I will keep working on my skills with video. The tech is a lot like flying. You never really know what the clouds might have to…

  15. Driving Through a Dream: Post 1

    You don’t know me. I used to be a Smash Street Boy a few years ago. I left because I had an opportunity and a scholarship to attend a flight school. I have been back to Smash Street a few months now. I am helping Tim. Trig and I are…

  16. causing thunder

    you spilling the tyranny of this contentious storm punished gave all flesh and shamed sparks the little fires causing thunder in the house https://tim-barrus.format.com/orbitlogue

  17. Siler City

    There is NO WAY you are ever going to convince me to go back to that snakepit town. The Shit Hole South. I don’t CARE if you are from there. Poor you. You couldn’t pay me to return to Siler City. Oh, my fucking god in hell. ICE alone is…

  18. Tim Barrus: New York Times

    https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/27/us/politics/shutdown-congress-trump-wall.html?comments#permid=30359805 I cannot shut my family down. Families just don’t work that way. And yet we begin again every day. I’m in bed smoking medical marijuana that we grow. Or I cannot stand. I am no good on the floor of the house of Usher. Breakfast is being cooked. I…

  19. it can hurt sometimes

    it is so often life and death with them they will leave you exhausted if determined

  20. Joel, We R With U

    Hang in there with me, Joel. We got this.

  21. Toilet PoetryBoy & His Writing Instrument

    We can always hear him talking to his phone. If they had not created what we call poetry, Jarred would have invented it First, he talks into the phone. Then, he writes the poem. He usually rewrites that. All on the phone. The toilet itself absorbs him. He does the…

  22. a land of red wolves

    the red wolves are dead shot by guess who fat old white men who will kill anything they don’t like the fucking look of/ https://tim-barrus.format.com/about

  23. All the Little Pieces Back Together Again

    it means safe from being hunted down by cops it means safe from living in a space where rape is rampant it means safe from the demands of the school you quit it means safe to try having friends it means safe to express yourself it means safe from malnutrition…

  24. What is wealth.

    AIDS is one disease. Poverty is its sister. Where the fuck is the cure. https://tim-barrus.format.com/about http://real-stories-gallery.org

  25. Holding Me Up

    In the next year, three million adolescents will run away. Forty percent of them will identify themselves as being gay. Many will take up sex work in order to survive. These kids are at-risk for everything from HIV to being arrested. Depending on the state, runaways under the age of…