Tim Barrus Blog

Posts tagged with prison

  1. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    Donny John and the Big Boy Pants We are told in kindergarten that we are a society of laws, not men. By first grade, we begin to realize we are a society of both laws and men. And women. Especially teachers. Whose authority shapes both behaviors and students. I have…

  2. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    You go to prison for tax evasion, and possession of marijuana. Twelve-year-olds go to jail for shoplifting gum. We strangle people suspected of passing off allegedly fake twenty dollar bills. We shoot people in their sleep. We shoot parents dead in their cars with their children inside the vehicle. We


    Misha doesn’t sleep. We have that in common. I try my best to get stuff done when the house is quiet. Sleep for boys who have been raped and sexually exploited is a big bag of worms. Medical professionals in Public Health (which should be renamed Public Bullshit) never ask

  4. inmate

    from what i have heard today, all the ships will arrive on time/ having to take a shit in front of us other inmates in the cell was a big problem for honeybunny because we liked to watch/ we made him spread his legs and you do, boy, whimper like…

  5. When Everyone Else Has Washed Their Hands Of Him

    He doesn’t really look at me in the eye. He seems quite bored. What does it mean. It means he’s scared to death. Attitude is only attitude. “Gotta light.” I always gotta light. It seems infinitesimally small. But it’s something. But it’s something. But you gotta give the kid credit…