Tim Barrus, New York Times

You go to prison for tax evasion, and possession of marijuana. Twelve-year-olds go to jail for shoplifting gum. We strangle people suspected of passing off allegedly fake twenty dollar bills. We shoot people in their sleep. We shoot parents dead in their cars with their children inside the vehicle. We kill people reaching for their wallets. We remove children from their families for the crime of trespassing against us. We still lock them in cages. We purposefully lose track of parents who have had their children taken away from them. We imprison people for the crime of simply joining a group we do not approve of called ANTIFA. We gas children who are walking in a march with their parents. Our system still regards children as property, and children who run away are locked up, and logged in as criminals with a record. It is a crime to be homeless. It is a crime to sleep on sidewalks. Women go to prison for the neglect of their children far, far more often than men. You can be arrested via Catch 22 for resisting arrest. You can be arrested if you speak rudely to a cop. If you are an adolescent boy in detention, you will be raped versus the rate of boys being raped who are not imprisoned. A hospital can detain you. If you are incarcerated, once released you will eventually be homeless as continued punishment. If you are imprisoned, your chances of contracting HIV are pretty good, and that awareness alone is used as an enduring punishment, and good luck with Covid. Criminals can be president.