Tim Barrus Blog

Posts tagged with election

  1. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    Take notes. Adolf Hitler was elected, too. I have been screaming for years that it is us and we are it. Take a good look into the mirror, America. Unless you can get away with putting Republican children in cages, you’re toast. There will be more whining and weeping. Too

  2. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    Take notes. I had to make a judgement call. I got my family out of North America. My decision was based in what the New York Times take is. In all the talk about vibes, the publication has one, too. It’s dark. It’s fearful. It’s nervous. If it wasn’t, something

  3. Ezra Kline Pulls His Punches

    Take notes. I would never say: The American people are stupid. I might think it. But I would not say it. Mainly, because the American people are armed. It is not uncivil for me to say that the American people desire to be entertained. Trump is giving them what they

  4. Tim Barrus: New York Times

    Take notes. “But voters still trust his positions more than his opponent’s.” Don’t tell me. Show me. I do not believe it. There’s a different standard for showing, and clinging to a narrative that is dubious at best. How do we know that Americans trust Trump more. Where are the

  5. Tim Barrus: NC and the Pollsters

    Take notes. I lie to polls. This is Appalachia. From this perspective, this piece nails North Carolina. The new NC, and the old NC. It’s difficult to get folks around here to slide into politics. It begins with a shrug. Then, we tiptoe around: I thought Trump was gonna… You’all

  6. Tim Barrus: Journalists Elected Trump

    Take notes. Harris is on the path to winning the presidency. It will be close. Mainly, it’s a battle cry. Journalists are bitter over the fact that they are not on anyone’s radar. Journalists are a problem. They think that anyone who they want to focus on has no agency

  7. Ross Douthat is Wrong

    There is a tinge of bitterness here. Let the old man go. Give him in a plaque on the wall. A ribbon. A bottle of Jack. Lunch. He could knight himself. Much ado about much ado. Why. How about because it would be nice. Aren’t we the nice people. We

  8. Tim Barrus on Ezra Klein

    I can’t take this stuff seriously anymore. All I see are suits and suits and suits. The New York Times is the great-grandpa suits of suits. Your grandfather’s paper is still your grandfather’s paper. What one suit says to another suit. That’s always news. Not a single new idea. Some

  9. The Smile

    The smile is disarming. We have lived with temper tantrums, theft (the boxes), the migrant kids, ripped from arms, and thrown in cages, the secret secret plans with Putin. The secret secret plans with Xi Jingping. The secret secret plans with Kim. Even his patriotic rout failed. His business failed.


    Dear Mr. Friedman, But. How. Do we contain the Gorgon. The Gorgon still has over seventy days in office to burn it all down. That will never happen, right. We should ignore the Gorgon as he burns the house to a char of bones. And no one dares suggest we

  11. Censorship At The New York Times

    When a publication publishes you at 10am — for the entire world to see — but by 11am, or less than an hour later, they unpublish you, they yank your work down, this is what is known in journalism as censorship. The reason the New York Times publishes me, and

  12. Tim Barrus: New York Times

    We elected it. Nothing works. Our culture is irresponsible, and reprehensible. Our systems failed. Our politics failed. Our institutions failed. We failed. America writ large. Capitalism failed. We cannot wiggle out of the thing. The resposibiliuty for our own greed and racism. We created our own nightmare. We can’t even

  13. Tim Barrus: New York Times

    The definition of evil has to do with indifference. When American democracy is indifferent to the American people, democracy itself risks being rendered as an amusing afterthought, one that cannot stand in the face of a dictaorship. Power is power, and people who have it will pull out the big