Tim Barrus Blog
Posts tagged with democracy
tim barrus I am a communist. I have been screaming about what is going to happen, and then it did. Happen. I told you so. I told you so. This will not be published because I said: I told you so. Three times. I told Americans this would happen –…
Tim Barrus: To Remove His Metaphorical Humanity From Him
Now, he’s god. Those of us who lead kinda mundane lives can read this stuff about one old man – I call him IT to dehumanize him and to rob him of his humanity which will be a challenge because he has no humanity – and how he lives his…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
Tom is the greatest numbers sleuth alive. He can interprete the data. He does not leave it there. He goes for people who know what they’re talking about. Not to. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/22/opinion/trump-conspiracy-theories.html#commentsContainer&permid=118916322:118916322
What you Came To See
“So, then what is democracy, anyway.” I have no idea. I have never lived in one. I’m fucking stupid. Our version of Democracy is robbing the rich to pay the rich so the rich can in return claim Capital Gains administrated by lawyers – invested in the patriatchal Hierarchy of…
Tim Barrus New York Times This is how a regime of fascism takes control. Franco overthrew the Spanish Republic. He executed 50,000 people. Men, women, and children. In the Spanish White Terror alone, the number jumps to 200,000. And you think it cannot happen here. Wake up. It has already…
Tim Barrus New York Times
What democracy. No one wants to say that what we have is a cult and a regime. The elite privileged are eternally focused on saving democracy. They have a vested interest in that they could control the system if they could win it back. Does it matter if they win…
Tim Barrus New York Times
Now that the regime has the Supreme Court to remove our rights, and they all stand around Dear Leader who is brandishing the Bible, in righteousness, the packed Supreme Court will be empowered in much the same way the DOJ is empowered to function as a personal attorney. What I…
Your Sacred Democracy Is Dead
Someone at the New York Times is consistently employing the word lies. Not falsehoods. Not misstatements. Someone there is calling a spade a spade. The softening of the blow – this refusal to call a lie a lie renders the publication itself complicit – is patently absurd and beneath contempt.…
Tim Barrus New York Times
Democracy is so yesterday. It’s the stranger who came to town. The kind of democracy we yearn for is always waiting in the wings. Rich old white men have owned what they call democracy as if the thing itself was the magician’s assistant you could cut in two, and then…
Tim Barrus, New York Times
There is one future. War. I have now been in a dozen riots. I follow them. I am taking notes. I am taking photographs. I want a record. I want history to confront at least one voice that says It Didn’t Have To Happen But It Did. What Schwartz sees…
My Response To The Readers Challenging Me At The New York Times
Readers pose the question: Where does one begin. It transcends democracy. I live out of one bag. A camera bag (I am a photographer who also works with adolescent boys with HIV). I teach the boys about memory which is what photography is. The teaching is neurologically based. How memory…
Having Children
I no longer “get” having children. Why would anyone want to have a child today. I do not mean to be critical. I am just asking the question. Whenever I articulate this to my friends, people look at me with a mix of horror and disgust. What is wrong with…