Tim Barrus: To Remove His Metaphorical Humanity From Him

Now, he’s god. Those of us who lead kinda mundane lives can read this stuff about one old man – I call him IT to dehumanize him and to rob him of his humanity which will be a challenge because he has no humanity – and how he lives his execrable existence, caught within a labyrinthine catalogue of hatreds, and shrug. I guess he doesn’t mean what he says. Seriously. Every word has a bitter twist. Every single writer or journalist who has ever been critical of the IT, might want to think about Plan B. Where you gonna move. You might want to think about somewhere that allows you to see them coming. Think Idaho. The IT releases his middle-earth minions. The last time we went through Royal Decree, George III, my precious, was still around, and guess what. He taxed. He sent troops. He hanged a lot of people. He burned books, elderly women. He controlled printers, publishing. He was the Church. He waged wars everywhere. He drank tea. He went mad. The word bully has no gravitas. ORC has gravitas. ORC commands us from his ORC mountaintop. We obey. Ho hum. He announces he’s god and we keep our heads down and agree. Anti-ORK Journalists who continue to publish thought that insinuates IT might not be as Supreme as he says he is. Will face his fury. Why are all these people winking. God always goes to prison. Forms a story arch. Just before the beginning of his thermonuclear reign. A crown of bloody thorns. How dare they say bad things about the banality of god. They must be punished.