Tim Barrus Blog

Posts tagged with Tim-Barrus

  1. The Family Ate the Family Dog

    the family ate the family dog appalachia is unconditional surrender replacement parts and arguments poverty and the truck shop passing through the bedroom window swallowed by the cardboard that has replaced what glass is left school bus in the morning frost of growling smoke pickled meats and vomit, dark corridors,


    ginger is never here/ he tends bar in asheville, and he’s a drug dealer/ like i give a shit/ people make their own decisions/ consequences come and go/ he’s a great fuck, and we spent two weeks here a long time ago/ appalachia is about many things/ a long time

  3. Tim Barrus in the New York Times

    Our time is over. My time is over. I am on my phone. On my back. Looking at the morning stars and the sunrise dust of light just now warming my world. My mountain Blue Ridge trees have turned bright red and yellow. Those leaves will fall. Autumn has arrived.

  4. his mouth is mute

    his mouth is mute the fencing between us like the land of famished dust on the cellar stairs all winter long morning in the woods disguised in hoods the longitude of knowing how fractured grief is buried in the voiceless ground https://timbarrus.tumblr.com

  5. Naked On the Internet

    i always saw you as a prisoner in the striped pajamas/ more uniform than pajamas/ my own skin was no camouflage nudity my cock was always hard/ your blue was sheer obfuscation, not melancholy/ it had you by the throat/ slightly gaping, we both fucked the same sailors on the…

  6. Running From the Past

    stop pushing me my running from the past is mine your insistence that i not run from the past is abuse you are an abuser who relishes seeing people in pain and then you write about them and you spit in their mouths i don’t give a flying fuck if…

  7. Tim Barrus New York Times

    nytimes.com/2019/09/15/us/border-patrol-culture.html… The Border Patrol built concentration camps. So did the Germany’s We Were Only Following Orders. How many KidsRDead via BP’s capricious whim. How many children have been caged. How many will never see their families again. Who will pay. Us. Us monsters.

  8. For the Boys by Hunter Layfield

    Guyz you are forcing me to turn to the blog. As you know Tim and I are in another city in another state. Tim is having surgery and I am waiting in this waiting room. I will never be able to forgive Mary for creating all this turmoil at this…

  9. Tim Barrus: New York Times

    America is over. Done. Discredited. Immoral. Rotten to the core. Ugly. Irreparable. Threatening. Tragic. Useless. Forlorn. Vain. A menace to the planet. Ruled by hate and racism. Sinister. Toxic. Bleak. Oppressive. Funereal. But not terminal. It is already dead. Americans are more than willing (they embrace it) to tolerate the

  10. Lake Superior Is Now Toxic With Poison

    Tim Barrus: The New York Times There is no global warming because Dear Leader said so, and we all know Dear Leader never, lies. We have ruined our environment, and we are continuing to ruin our environment because the top one percent never have enough. Lake Superior. Lost. We allow