Book Publishing Has Always Been a Train Wreck

For Pam Paul at the New York Times:

Publishing lives and dies by the blacklist. The blacklist decides. Not the editor. Not the PR guys. Not the publisher. It simply shows it’s not about what you write. It’s about the writer. Why did you write this. How many children do you have. What is your dog’s name. What kind of dog is it. Is your skin just white or are you an albino. The first albino book. Just think. But is it an albino gay book. Oh, no. Not one of those. No one can write one of those if they were not born into the albino community. What do you use to write your books. “A computer, why.” How long did your marriage last. Was your great grandmother an albino, and where are her papers. How albino was she. This year, I think I will need more pipes and tweed. Publishing makes no sense. The Complexity Problem in physics is the same as the Albino Problem in publishing. No one knows how anything really works. I am an albino and I have the blood tests to prove it. How albino are you. All writers must take the blood test. Bookstore owners tell me to not come read my books at writer events. Security costs. Writer events. Not book events. Writer events. Is your New York Writer thin enough. You cannot write about being fat unless. You know. Publishing has finally made me  a criminal. Because I annoy them. Why doesn’t he just go away. My new job is to annoy you. I have questions. Anyone who asks these questions is put on the blacklist which is bigger than the back list. Publishing is where you go to lose all hope. All hope.