We three autistics meet every summer. Our stories are different, but they are also just the same. My stories about school are focused on escape. I did escape it. But Neil did not escape. And Toussaint did not escape either. They were left to rot in special education. Pick up the peg and put it in the hole. This was special ed. A nightmare. Instead of getting us out of special ed, it kept us there embedded in nonsense. I left because I was going to sue them if I didn't. I had the attorney all lined up. But Neil and Toussaint had to endure the legacy of special ed. No graduation from special ed. They could not graduate with their peers. But they had special ed graduation in the classroom where they got little awards that they had gone to high school. This way, they wouldn't disturb the graduations for the normals who hated our guts. I do not know how we survived. When we get together, all we do is ride bikes, and we all three piss together on a plastic schoolhouse we bought years ago as a toy. It stinks. I am still peeing on that school.