Take notes. Head Start with violent four-year-olds. With Head Start, you just jump in, or go home. The four-year-old guys often found shiny things on the sidewalk or the street or various bedrooms like a watch or a syringe to play with. Where is the investment. Poverty was the issue. It's killing us. We don't talk about extreme poverty in the States. Man-to-Man. Community. Find one. Volunteer at Head Start. Report issued: Bureau of Standards. The Convicted Felon, read that report. And then he would abolish the Bureau of Standards. The convicted felon is firm about tariffs, taxes, and titillation, I'm sorry (I'm not), but my crazy neurodiversion kicks in like a rush. I keep flashing back to the four-year-olds. In the ensuing years, I checked: Obituaries. There they were. A few in prison. What about Him. Attention must be paid.
This stuff is life and death to us. Where do we fit into this POV. This is not a Court of Rules. This is not even the Mob. This is the Bureau of Standards. How many four-year-olds are there. Economically, they're broke. They will settle. A four-year-old with tuberculosis and they have a royal fight (but they are so cute, and hungry) when he has to take a pill the size of a horse. Imagine being the teacher. First day: Quits. Where are the men. What does indifference mean to a kid. Kindly incorporate it into your POV. DC is obsolete. Look at us. We are the rags of the system. Left, Left, Left, Right Left. No investment on the four-year olds. No trucks.