Take notes.“Curiouser and curiouser!” Cried Alice (she was surprised), that for the moment she quite forgot where she was living. Alice is separate from the newsroom. The Felon is separated from his subjects. I wonder how long it will take to get Trump University back together again. Let's have tea. Tuition will be high. The fundamental deviance of a fundamentally deviant cult that the American people embrace. No one did a thing when the Felon was elected. The American people celebrated. Cover your ears, now. The American people, themselves are deviants.
You have simply replaced one deviant paradigm for another. You have replaced capitalism with Curiouser and curiouser! Alice cried. We are Alice. Who has no idea where she is, or who she is. She sleeps. Apple fell on her head. We are Alice. The big fat queen wanted her head on a spike. We are Alice. The problem is that homo sapiens gatekeep tribalism after tribalism. Everyone has a relationship with the tribe, and who people mate with matters. We are Alice. She has amnesia because if she didn't, the whole idea of society, still based as the shining hill to live on so we don't have to see all the thems on your heathen way to work. Americans have no soul because they need stuff, and you can mess around with them for a short period of time so you forget life ever happened. It's diseased. And there is no hope for it. It gets worse, To wit: Who really believes we have the power to alter climate change. It's coming for the Rabbit.