Video: Cajun and Dylan Reunited

You didn’t know this at the time, but the reason Dylan didn’t show is because he’s in jail. Society frowns on twelve-year-olds selling weed to other twelve-year-olds.

Doing this on school property is just stupid and you can’t fix stupid. 

Some people will want to know if I worry about the smoking.

Not too much. A little.

What really worries me is not an infraction of the rules.

I worry about the odds that you two will make it through the day alive. That is what I worry about.

Will you still be alive at the end of the day. It takes a lot of work. It takes a lot of hopefulness upon which there is scant evidence to base hopeful conclusions on. I am compelled to be hopeful because what other options do I have. I am hopeful. It’s like faith. It isn’t based on any solid evidence whatsoever.

The two of you make me want to live under the canoe turned upside down.