the bullies who live in toilets

we speak to bullying and abuse

on playgrounds, on sidewalks,

on the bus, but we do not speak

to bullying and abuse that

occurs in toilets because we are

ashamed/ teachers are afraid

and bullying is rampant even

if the media has refocused on

different parts of the news

cycle, and they were never

too thrilled to discuss toilets

because they could be accused

of titillation/ then, the issue of

toilets-for-who came up, along

with community hysteria that

objected to people who did not

know their place/ one way to

avoid issues was to simply tell

yourself not to go in there under

any circumstances/ bullies

understand that at some level,

the toilet lends them the

power to increase the pressure

on specifically boys who have

been taught to do their business

in the bathroom and leave asap/

toilets and the possibility of

humiliation share some of the

same social liabilities/ a bully

needs an audience and that

audience needs permission to

leave and the bully does not

and will not give them the

opportunity to not be a part

of what happens next/