Tim Barrus Blog

Posts tagged with war


    I am a communist. I have been writing about the Rapist’s power grabs for months. No one wanted to hear it. The New York Times has blacklisted me. I do not know why. But you can imagine how it feels to wake up in the morning, and find NYT is

  2. We All Know What Needs to Happen

    Take notes. Russia is a failed state. We all know what will happen to Vladimir Putin. If you throw one person off the subway, you’re tried for murder. If you go for the whole train car, you’re a historical figure. Vladimir is the state. The drooping eyelids, puffy grey face.…

  3. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    Put an end to this war. Make Russia pay, and pay, and pay. If we know where Putin is. Pay. and pay, and pay. I think they know where Putin is.

  4. Instability Means Death

    He has been put in a Refugee Protection Program where he will receive a new name, a new school, and a new life. But he is refusing to go if his younger brothers cannot go with him. The three of them are like one. When he is told that they…

  5. At First, They Wandered – Homer

    “The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.”― Albert Camus – again. Whom did the sailors say they were, and how did they land. Beasts from another world, they had slaughtered themselves, playing at…

  6. How Many Enemies Can One Person Have

    In Israel, Breach of Trust is a criminal event. As long as Benjamin Netanyahu remains Prime Minister, there will be no peace. Donald Trump faces prison. Oh, and what to do. Become President again. Why. It protects him. The Grand Republican Poobahs in government have decided we are not worth

  7. Prepare Yourselves

    Tim Barrus, New York Times Opinion: Prepare to see very difficult images. The sound of packing bags that have been packed and unpacked by journalists many times. A river of blood is coming, and much of it is going to be the blood of girls and women. Who know what’s

  8. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    There is one future. War. I have now been in a dozen riots. I follow them. I am taking notes. I am taking photographs. I want a record. I want history to confront at least one voice that says It Didn’t Have To Happen But It Did. What Schwartz sees

  9. One Photographer

    Nothing but this foolishness.

  10. I Want To Cum When I See Real Art

    The first time I ever came in my pants was at the Louvre. Jean-Baptiste Roman’s statue’s Nisus and Euryalus. Best friends from childhood, both warriors are slain in war. Here, they are naked and fighting off something or someone we cannot see. Euryalus is dead or dying while Nisus stands


    It started with the gangs and what is called corrective rape in Central America. It would morph into government police and corrective rape at a police station in a suburb of El Salvador. Javier and Rafael had had enough. When the gangs and the cops represent the combined presence of

  12. Tim Barrus: Rape in the War in Central America

    Jandro was raped while his family was forced to watch as the gang – Mara Salvatrucha – that had invaded his village, attacked families at random who lived in the hills of Guatemala. The nearest city to where Jandro lived, El Estor, is fifty miles away. Entire communities in the…