Tim Barrus Blog

Posts tagged with smash-street

  1. Fluidity

    It had to become more fluid. They have the skills to survive. We can now swim in and out of one another’s lives and wakes and waves and travels. I see we are not supposed to travel. Bad us. I don’t want to be a mentor. I do not have…

  2. Spills Into Cups

    their dancing spills into cups incognito but i know who the fuck you are/ your bones spread out like demons deep into the devil night/ and there it is, falls down, the challenge is to not allow the world to make you disappear, it will anyway, we are just the

  3. Tim Barrus in the New York Times

    Moms need weed. I am not supposed to say that. I am not supposed to write it either. There are no moms here. It’s me and the boys. We have not been in public in three months. I put all the furniture out on the veranda. We can sit and

  4. We Call Him Cookie

  5. Stealing Cars

    now is a good time for us to be stealing cars/ there is this annoying thing called food/ in quarantine, all the cars are just sitting there waiting for someone like us to arrive and release the car from bondage/ we really really really get bondage/ we tried it for…

  6. following rules is not what we do

    morning just as clear/ yet i remain a little blury not unlike when the rain gets in your eyes or the fog between your teeth/ i arrive before they do/ with their cigarettes and coffee and groaning/ we have different school rules/ we would do social distancing, but most of

  7. Quarantined Boys

    #Does that mean sex, too.” #Sex, too,” I explained. “It’s just another virus, not at all unlike the one you have.” There was a long silence among the boys. One disease could take more than we thought we could handle. Two was an abstraction. We do get out at night.…

  8. lucid questions

    the lucid questions are not explorations he is going to either answer or encourage/ he holds the secrets in his folded hands and lips of salt and bed of bones where his body was the prize/

  9. Memory’s Machine

    après la fête le reste rages de poussière resté derrière se masturber à l’intérieur du cerveau enregistrer plus tôt tragédies désorientées par flou si parallèle événements https://www.instagram.com/timbarrus/

  10. Julian

  11. Not Everyone Loves Social Media

    Whenever Jacob finds his image in the art of his buddies, or even in his own art, he vigorously rubs it out. Sometimes he cuts off his head. Other times, paints over, or he just uses permanent market to blot himself out. If you were a kid who has been…

  12. Mainly The Lot of Us Are Puppets

    pretending no one pulls our fucking strings we cannot be manipulated baby, you are so manipulated your spcks glow

  13. 2 Straight Boys Hungry As a Straining Rope

    the camera speaks because that is what it is designed to do/ digging down past the edges deep/ turf or the boundary lines kinda fade away/ they are almost scared/ the disingenuous would call it new horizons/ actually, what straight males fear the most is shit/ the land of the

  14. le crib

  15. sucking his feet like cock

    i am not supposed to write this kind of juicy cock poetry because there are children around on the planet like flies/ we are required to dumb down reality for the mommies and the children always someone else’s children with the birthday cakes and pink balloons/ these people make me

  16. you split

    the proper perspective through silence and then to be pulled away naked by the guards in fields you split into the wet wounds a death of fences https://timbarrus.tumblr.com/


    the camera sees through you because the camera does not take photographs by itself it needs you it sees through you it uses you it needs you to pick it up it is only through you that the camera has any meaning or relevance at all it is through your…

  18. writ large

    writ large scorched the you at every level your fingers on my tit tracing my hardly private sorrows i make a mockery of the habits of the sun lean and watch i am taking photographic evidence and writing poetry that takes sides that takes sides https://medium.com/@timotheebarrus

  19. One Trip To One Clinic

    The CDC is developing new projects “to defeat AIDS once and for all” they claim. Not one of those programs is destined for Appalachia. Not one. We are left with a world of breathtaking indifference. We do not exist. We are not important. We can drive all day and all…

  20. Sail On

    life has this habit of doing what it has done before round and round but beware there will be detours sail on

  21. Someplace Else

    all as frantic tongues by night less the depth of grief devours us like the past is just another dragon’s wrath and the parchment to write it on https://timbarrus.tumblr.com

  22. The Sky Sags Over

    all the healing youhave ever donefallen into the ruinsof a frailty of blueveins running palegloom times tenthrough you suckingcock careworn worthstealing all yourfaults rememberingsilence confined inyour choking on theshipwreck of his cum https://timbarrus.tumblr.com


    Misha doesn’t sleep. We have that in common. I try my best to get stuff done when the house is quiet. Sleep for boys who have been raped and sexually exploited is a big bag of worms. Medical professionals in Public Health (which should be renamed Public Bullshit) never ask

  24. contorted

  25. i really love it and it’s making me money

    the report is all verbatim our exit interview sucked dick given the same weight we are all acrobats