Tim Barrus Blog

Posts tagged with hope

  1. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    I cannot remember a single time when Ross has articulated another take on the BugaBuga that is religion, the same religion that wants converts to the cult of Niceness. None of us is sacred, Ross. Some of us will not go down in our beliefs that entire economic systems complicit…

  2. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    People cling to their various definitions of what they think hope is. The word itself is a pornography. Deeply embedded in Homo sapien’s needy brain. It needs you to love him. It needs you to embrace him. It needs you to reason with him if it can be done. Mainly,…

  3. What Extinction: Tim Barrus NYT

    Our extinction. Writers are always telling me that we must all be hopeful. Are you fucking kidding me. The environment was destroyed a long time ago. There is nothing left to save. I have given up. On humanity. We are, in fact,  Australopithecines. Homo sapiens are so smart, so brilliant,

  4. Tim Barrus, The New York Times

    I live in Appalachia. Our people have dogs. Because they help keep us safe. Because we are afraid. For many of us, dogs are all we have. It’s difficult for people who live in parts of the country where things at least sometimes work. Can you imagine a place where


    THEANTIFASTORIES I can only see a dark and dystopian future. Apocalypse in the time to come is distainfully a cliche that clings to hope. The proposition that there is any hope whatsoever is a destiny of the obscene. Destiny is now. Destiny is here. Destiny is death. Destiny is an…

  6. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    Tom Friedman makes an impassioned case for the keeping of his valued democracy. I, too, wish it had worked out, and that we had valued it over and above our fears, hatreds, and our greed. But it is done. The talking heads, the talking pundits, the talking writers, the talking

  7. The Family Ate the Family Dog

    the family ate the family dog appalachia is unconditional surrender replacement parts and arguments poverty and the truck shop passing through the bedroom window swallowed by the cardboard that has replaced what glass is left school bus in the morning frost of growling smoke pickled meats and vomit, dark corridors,

  8. New York Times: On Queer Childhood

    I mentor boys at-risk for HIV. Many of them do sex work. They don’t carry the baggage of typical adolescents. Their baggage is a lot more breath-taking. People see delinquency, the juvenile justice system, and detention. None of which work. That people do not understand homelessness, hunger, and hate, is

  9. Americans Are the Stupid Monsters of the Planet

    Famine. It’s not my fault. Hmmm. How stupid are they. You have to literally drift around the world a few times before it hits you like a kick to the testicles. Stupidity and morality are synonymous, evolutionary processes. You can’t have one without the other. Stupidity is the self-inflicted blinders…

  10. Having Children

    I no longer “get” having children. Why would anyone want to have a child today. I do not mean to be critical. I am just asking the question. Whenever I articulate this to my friends, people look at me with a mix of horror and disgust. What is wrong with…