Americans Are the Stupid Monsters of the Planet

Famine. It’s not my fault. Hmmm.

How stupid are they.

You have to literally drift around the world a few times before it hits you like a kick to the testicles. Stupidity and morality are synonymous, evolutionary processes. You can’t have one without the other. Stupidity is the self-inflicted blinders you screw into the skull bones, and morality is the kind of blazing sun that will burn your hissing eyeballs from your steaming head.

We seem to be the only people who are not aware that we are the demons of the universe.

The rest of the world does not mean us. The rest of the world has never meant us. A concentration camp is a concentration camp. We are the concentration camp of the stupid people. The concentration camps we run are concentration camps of children. It’s not my fault. Hmmm.

We have no morality. None. We never have.

None of this is new. What is new is the extent of the denial. Severe drought killed millions of Mayan people in MesoAmerica whose political structures failed as they could not stand the strain. Today, the Bantu are eating the Pygmy and cannibalism still exists. Genocide is the new normal. Nothing new about it. Democracy has rendered itself irrelevant as the white males who have kept the dinosaur afloat. In 1907, we imported African children who were exhibited naked in cages in European zoos and the World’s Fair. Americans wring their sweaty little hands and as they bring Pampers to the Auschwitz doors where the Doctors at Auschwitz say they don’t need them go away. Go away. Go away. And so Americans do as they are told. Like little insects scattering. Infestations.

You elected Hitler. You got Hitler.

We will elect other Hitlers. Hitlers come and go. Denial is forever.

It doesn’t come any more stupid than that. There is no analogous context for it in human history. Americans are breathtakingly ignorant because they want to be.

It’s not my fault. Hmmm. Wait until he has his real mandate.

I am using the photograph above because it represents famine. Americans think they are immune from famine.

But it’s coming.

a time to be born, a time to die/ a time to plant, a time to reap/ a time to kill, a time to heal/ a time to laugh, a time to weep/ there is a season turn, turn turn…

Just like global heating is already here.

Just like Central America is driving drought.

Not migrants from drought. But drought. Itself.

The kid is seven. Not one. He knows what is happening to him. He is aware.

War. Drought. Famine. Death. Suffering and faith. Faith loves suffering.

Americans are in love with hope. They have developed hope as a fetish. America whips itself with hope.

The blood flow is significant. Y won’t cure AIDS. You don’t have the balls or the courage for it. Courage is a risk. You won’t stop the flood of guns. You don’t have the balls or the courage for it. Courage is a risk. You won’t stop mass shootings. You might get shot. You don’t have the courage or the balls for it. Courage is a risk. Not a given. Your democracy will not survive. You can’t even impeach Hitler. You don’t have the courage or the balls for it. Courage is not the default position or the attribute of the old and the useless. You will not make any dents in dealing with mental health or stigma. What you have is dog shit for brains and you can’t figure it out unless you can shovel tens of billions of dollars into the suck hole mouth of Big Pharma. It doesn’t take much courage to realize you will fail because failing is what you do. If you can’t shut a thing down or shut it up with money being poured into the depths of greed, then why are you here.

Why are you here. What is your worth. As a human being. If the sight of dead children who are really seven, and not one, what does that make you. The age of wisdom. The starving boy with the big gut lived in a desert somewhere else.

Indeed, he did. A place that had once sustained itself with crops it raised, was now a thing of dirt, death, and dust. The bug eyes just stare you down.

Quick! Take a numb pill.

Quick! Take a side effect pill.

Quick! Take democracy pill.

Quick! Take a Hitler pill.

Quick! Take a chill pill.

Quick! Get a life.

By the time you are as estranged from the species you were born into as the child in the photograph, you want to die. You pray for it. You want it. You become desperate for it. Dehydration sets in. You die slowly in agony and defeat. He did.

It’s not my fault. How stupid are they.

I have walked and drifted around the planet all of my adult life. I have always said Hitler was coming back. I have always said the world was getting hotter. I have always said there are so many people on the earth, we have no systems, certainly not democracy, that do not lead to the inevitable famines, water shortages, failures of not just crops but entire institutions.

Nothing works. It just gets hotter and hotter. In the end, Hitler himself is irrelevant. It’s so much bigger than him. The planet groans from the weight of us. We live in our own rancid shit. There is no one to blame but ourselves. We did it to ourselves.

It is already far too late. The clock has struck midnight and that means midnight is here. You can pretend all you want that it’s really noon, but it’s not noon, it’s dark out there and it’s getting darker. It’s midnight no matter what you want it to be. A one-year-old turns seven every year. It doesn’t matter that you have grown numb from such images. The big heads. The swollen bellies. The spindly broken bones. As long as it is not us. I am here to tell you I have seen mountains of these corpses flung by men in surgical masks into pits. When the bodies hit the other bodies in the pits, all the bodies bounce. It doesn’t matter what you believe because they are us. What matters is the heat and the refrigerator.

Famine will mean you, too. Wherever there’s famine, there will be migration. Because you gotta move. To where the food is. You’ll leave the people who are terrorizing you in the vast and middle of the night. You will take your babies with you. In 1941 the trains would arrive.

Just like the train arrives in Mexico with the people clinging to it.

The first thing that always happens is that families are separated

They always do that first.

They know what they are doing. Without the identity of your family, what are you. Who are you. Why are you here.

We have arrived to live or die. And there you have it.

We separated slave children from their families. We raped their mothers. We raped their fathers. And we raped them. We separated Native American children from their families. We raped their mothers. We raped their fathers. We raped their land. And we raped them. We took young African-American men off the street. We separated them, we continue to separate them, and we immerse them in the institutional venue of rape, the prison.

And we do not even see it as rape or having anything to do with rape.

Rape is both the roots, the foundations, the beginning, and the end. Rape. Famine. War. Separation.

We now drive the heat that causes the famines and the wars jack built. It’s not coming. Looking back over your shoulder is so yesterday. America has finally arrived. The Planet of the Apes jumps off its horse and screams they did it they did it they did it. Because they did it.

Put your hope away. And one bite of a time. Eat your shoes.

It’s not my fault. Hmmm.

How stupid are they.