Tim Barrus Blog

Posts tagged with homelessness

  1. Tim Barrus New York Times

    Take notes. Elon Musk is a wildcard. Reminds me of a guy running down the street as fast as he can being chased by a dog. Soon enough Musk asks the dog: Do you know who I am. The dog replies: I surely do. Musk reminds me of parts of

  2. Tim Barrus New York Times

    Incendiary Comments is a book that examines my relationship with the New York Times. It’s been a long one. I am publishing my stuff there in terms of following patterns. Themes: Politics. Resistance. Medical. Autism, Neurodivergence (I’m Aspergers).  Economics. Democracy. Homelessness. Work-At-Home. Education. Tech. Suits. Parenting. HIV/AIDS. The whole nine

  3. Tim Barrus New York Times

    Take Notes. I am living in a truck. In the morning, I meet up with my Appalachia neighbors in a coffee shop. We solve the problems of the world. I usually get one these guys to join my side. Hurricane Helena killed husbands, wives, and kids. Body parts are still

  4. The Homeless and the Heat

    https://twitter.com/bokatlindell The Homeless and the Heat Dirt Bike on the Road Spencer Bokat-Lindell, New York Times: Thank you for your illuminating piece on homelessness. I am a communist. The worst is around 3pm. Keep hydrated. Last summer, found me eating out of dumpers. You had to be fast for all


    Tim Barrus, New York Times I am a communist. I am building a tree house using the strength of six oak trees. Timber at construction sites. Leftover wood. I find lots of stuff in junkyards and abandoned barns. I am always lugging around something. I have two military camouflage parachutes

  6. Rabbit Hole

    Boys with HIV kill themselves at rates eight times the rate of typical adolescents who attempt suicide. Children who kill themselves, kill themselves for a reason. And society recoils. The institutions of society need for the people in that society to want to stay. Or at least pretend to want

  7. he will not appear to be obviously at-risk 2u

    but he appears to be at HIGH-RISK 2me i am tired of seeing it i said rock i am tired of no one else wants to look at it oh Ucare oh Ucare Oh Ucare LOOK at it LOOK at it it is not that subtle signs red flags timers…

  8. Except For This

    except for this, i am always hanging on to stones/ i should have known better than to take a dancer home/ at least i called it a home/ someone had to/ i do have rules/ rule#1/ never ever ever ever take a dancer home unless you are completely mad/ a…

  9. Tim Barrus: The New York Times: Growing Old in America

    Poverty is a cycle. It comes. It goes. It eats its young. It decimates its old. It is not unlike the people who inhabit it. Tara Parker-Pope’s statement in the New York Times: Getting older is inevitable (and certainly better than the alternative) stuns me. We are afraid of death.

  10. The Bondage of Homelessness

    Almost all of the men who contact me with requests that I tie them up and jack them off are doing so because they know I am homeless (the trick always has to lord it over the proverbial whore) and used to be the writer who got them off. Celebrity…

  11. Homelessness Is Hell: Barrus: NYT

    A Response to David Brooks in the New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/25/opinion/america-nationalism-diversity-trump.html?comments#permid=29166007 Here’s a question. Is it okay to unequivocally hate America with every molecule of the self. I doubt it. Our idea of what freedom is does not allow the kind of dissent that doesn’t, and never will, fit into