Tim Barrus Blog

Posts tagged with civil-war

  1. Back Into the Earth

    Tim Barrus, the New York Times

  2. Tim Barrus: Clown Car Reboot

    I seriously doubt that this one will be published. They’re fishing for a voice. I am not that voice. It’s a voice I know how to play to. I just don’t always use the same exact voice because the rhythms will begin a rendering of monotone because it’s pretending to

  3. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    I am actually hard on the South. A jaundiced eye. Never use a radiator. We grow great corn around here. I’ve never seen a still. But I have heard whispers about them.

  4. Tim Barrus: First, They Are Coming 4 Our Children

    My Response to Michelle Goldberg: “It is perhaps beyond repair.” What is the perhaps about. Whenever I write two words – Civil War – that’s it. I am kicked out again. This, too, will get the boot. (It just achieved that status). I write because I have to. We are

  5. Jackpot

    Slavery is a big cat’s breath. Your clothes are drying on the clothesline. Someone has gasoline. Someone has a match. Everything you own is gone. And you will be, too. You have been seen. You have been identified. You are not among them. You are them. The high rollers will…

  6. Tim Barrus New York Times

    What democracy. No one wants to say that what we have is a cult and a regime. The elite privileged are eternally focused on saving democracy. They have a vested interest in that they could control the system if they could win it back. Does it matter if they win

  7. Prepare For Blood In The Streets

    I would never ever ever never never never even suggest that America is facing civil war. I would never ever ever ever never never in any way share or form advocate for such a bad bad bad bad naughty thing. I want peace and love and piece and love and…

  8. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    Tom Friedman makes an impassioned case for the keeping of his valued democracy. I, too, wish it had worked out, and that we had valued it over and above our fears, hatreds, and our greed. But it is done. The talking heads, the talking pundits, the talking writers, the talking

  9. Tim Barrus, New York Times

    There is one future. War. I have now been in a dozen riots. I follow them. I am taking notes. I am taking photographs. I want a record. I want history to confront at least one voice that says It Didn’t Have To Happen But It Did. What Schwartz sees

  10. Tim Barrus New York Times

    Apil 12, 1861 was the year the bloodbath began to run. We are going straight hell again. This will at first glance seem uncivil. It is the truth. Complacency is evil. Ideology is camouflage. Public policy is constructed in the face of a pandemic the insular United States confronts with

  11. Tim Barrus: New York Times

    How courageous does it have to be to not vote for a ruthless, hateful, deeply disturbed despot. Some. Not a lot. Trump is looking scared. He should look scared. When he’s gone from the White House – one way or another – it’s going to all come at him like…