Tim Barrus Blog

Posts tagged with Tim-Barrus-Art

  1. Save the image of the creature, and there was the bike.

  2. We Were Always Reading Even If We Did Not Know We Were Reading, We Were Reading

  3. It Was About the Airplane

    I remember Being Four. The voices only returned when the stress level was so toxic, you were never sure you could live through it. He wanted to kill you. He had made that very clear. I was not going to make it easy for him. If it meant we had…

  4. Tim Barrus Art

  5. And Crook the Pregnant Hinges Of the Knee

  6. He Was Diguised But He Was a Spy a Spy

  7. A Capable and Wide Revenge Swallows the Lot of them – Up.

  8. facsimile

    hors de l’eau/ exil pour trouver une corde raide que vous marchez tous les jours/ des hiboux/ de cette façon ils inclinent la tête/ dans les morts rapides et au milieu de la putain de nuit/ http://tim-barrus.format.com/

  9. Dirt Planet

  10. on the bike i am someone else times ten

  11. dark weeks in barren fields

  12. i have given suck and know how tender to love the babe that milks me

  13. The Posture of a Whore

  14. Longing. Wavering. Lost. And sooner worn more threadbare than Inside Out.

  15. school is dangerous

  16. disconsolate

    We are nothing. Not even shit to them. I feel like a compliant sitting duck. They will tie me to a tree and slap me until my eyes have shut closed. Fuck me like a claw mark stains the deep woods camp. Now starving down there in their radiation holes.…

  17. It Walked On In

    It walked into my office smoking weed. I made it share. What did this arrogant piece of probably dick, singing and singing ass. Just ass. Want. What did it want from me. You have to protect yourself unless you can convince it over vodka shots at the Hollywood Hotel at


    I am a communist. Saving the planet is rubbish. It’s too late for the planet. Your culture of death is going to implode, not explode. We know. Children are already the canaries in the coal mine. Whenever the NYT dives down into the rabbit hole of hopefulness, I’m thinking here

  19. the other hand until it didn’t

    What else did we have to fight The Authority with. Obviously, The Authority was one Drug Front Front made to order order that flew through a viral forest takes takes these deluded Men-Of-Crows-Crows you are all going to fucking die, and they were slaughtered and poisoned and enslaved — I

  20. all my lovely lovers sleep in shrouds

    Crows know where all the pizza boxes were. They knew fucking everything. Crows made the maps. Turn north. I knew it would untangle. Face it. We are all stupid, arrogant, and evil.

  21. this unborn

  22. product placement

  23. they want to kill you

  24. Waiting For

    Quid Pro Que Capitalism At Work

  25. You Want Me to What