Tim Barrus Blog

Posts tagged with Tim-Barrus-Art

  1. Tim Barrus: Interstellar Travelers, Rogue Planets

    You can’t talk to the dead because they want to be alone. I am deranged. Absurd. Ridiculous. What the living do not understand (they should hear themselves) is that the dead talk back. My biggest challenge in life is to simply survive. From one moment to the next. Survival is

  2. Tim Barrus: A Prism In the Path

    Putting a prism in the path of sunbeam demonstrates conclusively that surface rocks near impact zones can get thrust upward and thrust upward and thrust upward with enough speed to escape the body’s gravitational tether.

  3. Tim Barrus: U Catch It U Reel It In

  4. Tim Barrus: The Speed of It

    Maybe here and there. In fragments. To Indigo Dust. In a glass museum case. I am finally a museum. It all comes like flashes are some sorrow’s end. Seas in seas. You will not believe any of this, especially the dark stuff, everyone wants to cling to hope, but hope

  5. Tim Barrus: Angels Are Never Real

  6. Tim Barrus: The Idea Of an Elusive Dark Matter Particle


    Neutrinos not unlike some kids, pass through the earth as if it does not exist.


    I am a communist. I don’t get Christmas. Why do Homo sapiens need to be with Other Herding Homo sapiens. I do it because I have to do it. The wrath of god and Baby Jesus and Athena that fuck, Zeus, and But I always find marginal ways to avoid

  9. Tim Barrus: They Say I Am Disturbed I Am From Mars But No The Ones From Mars Who Have & Always Have Been Disturbed, Disintegrated, Damned

    Desire and hunger and the yelling and the yelling forgives nothing and bolt-cutters.

  10. Tim Barrus: It had More 2 Do With Ego Than With Craft

    I do not know anyone who, at one time or another, has never found themselves dazed with moonlight which consists of photons from the sun. When I am gone, I will continue to smell Peyote and to taste it on my bitter tongue of hunger in the abstract.  

  11. Demons Again

  12. Chalk

  13. Tim Barrus: Coma Cluster

  14. Tim Barrus: Dark Matter is Not Our First Rodeo

  15. Tim Barrus: Is Symmetry the Conduit Through Which All Subatomic Particles Must Pass

    The acid trip does not limit what it knows, what it sees, while it is only three dimensional, 2-of space, and one of time representing a 4-D spacetime. We can vizualize the tenets of imagination, where is the antimatter, and abstractionism, theatre, even, nevertheless we are unable to see what…

  16. Tim Barrus: Did You Really Want a Dude Who Sleeps

  17. Tim Barrus: Dirt Bike Town Took Fall’s Pumpkins and Turned Them Into Food So We Could Feed Hungry People This Winter

    Detention is where you go to get raped. Mommy doesn’t want to hear that. Mommy doesn’t want to see that. Mommy doesn’t want it mentioned. Mommy might get upset and when Mommy gets upset she might cry. They will rape you in detention. They will rape you in foster care.

  18. Tim Barrus: I Still look Away

    All those times you left. Moving slowly like the criminals we were. The cops sitting in their cars across the street know when and where we go. Our existence on a time clock whose wake up dirge jackknifes grief like a rain out on the lake poised to drink the…

  19. Tim Barrus: They mean Pornography Porn. Especially Appalachia.

    They mean poverty porn. But what is the difference between poverty porn and porn pornography. What is pornography but photons. There are a limited number of things you can do on a dirt bike and I have an imagination it does not need a hot tub. Many countries and many

  20. Tim Barrus: Spaceship, Too

    I am a communist. That alone gets me in trouble with most people, I think. Poverty has always had the cultures of the world by the throat. How poor were we. There were three of us living in a cabin on a remote lake in upper Michigan. It is apart…

  21. Tim Barrus: The Ocean is A Slaughterhouse

    And you will win your life again.

  22. Tim Barrus: The Old Dirt Road

    How is it that you can fix everything. 

  23. Tim Barrus: One Piece At A Time

    What appears to be a wall, a force field, can, in fact, be a tunnel. “Are we always going to sleep on the floor of your friends.” “Are you complaining.” “Don’t you have any friends with a bed. I liked the hotel. “You cannot afford the hotel.” “But you liked

  24. Tim Barrus: Titty Bar right off the Interstate.

    The real Florida.

  25. Tim Barrus: Who Told You That You Cannot Crawl Out Of Your Own Skin

    Ten days and gin. You carried around your Druid stones and swam deep mysteries in rivers whose fields ran close to other shores of second selves and wandering amid the winter’s light unseen at twelve is called desire.