My correspondence with the New York Times.

The women who act as moderators at the New York Times fit comfortably in the media and the nasty little editorial congregation that goes so far out of its way to fuck every writer they can fuck. School hallway monitors possess intelligence.  Comment moderators are developmentally delayed. And they pass judgement on us. They tilt the conversation. What does tilting mean. They will publish comments that fit their personal values  “The New York Times needs your voice.”


“Needs your voice.” No one knows what the fuck they mean. They are editors, but the NYT doesn’t want to pay them at that scale because they are one step (and they are chosen like mice to be compliant), away from cleaning toilets. How bad is it. I’m giving away my work to people who’ve been cleaning toilets. It doesn’t come any lower than this. There’s nothing to compare it to. These women have you by the testicles. I say women because no male would take a job that pays minimum wage. I wouldn’t. Because I can do better. I do better when the staff isn’t so committed to the word civil which is a hiding place. They hide. You don’t have their names, but I do. Even if you try to find the symbolism in the word — civil — which they imbue with a seriously bad name. They cannot be bothered with the Little People. They. Are. The. Little. People. A lot of it is AI. They’ve let a bunch of people go after they sign a NDA. They want me to go away. Oh, my.