Tim Barrus: The New York Times
Mark Kelly is glaringly obvious. But nothing is obvious when it comes to the democrats. Every now and then, they find the talent. But every now and then is just not good enough. I left the democrats. The republicans are outright nazis. I have always said the gay community is not really aware of how much they are institutionally, personally, hated in America. That hate boils in politics as well. You work your way around it. Pete did. Pete does. Work around a lot of issues. Great rap. Great vibe. The man is before his time. But Suits give me hives. She won’t pick Kelly. It would be unprecedented. But what is not – at this stage – unprecedented. Her policies are very center. She doesn’t have an involved imagination. She has a stability. I knew her in San Francisco. She was careful. I want a prosecutor who is careful.
If she was prosecuting Trump, this conversation would not be happening. She dots every i and crosses every T. Trump would be assigned to dish washing in Folsom Prison. Melania will visit once a year. Nothing is fair. Kelly would make short shrift of all the grifters who float around Trump like little puppy dogs he sometimes feeds when he’s in the mood. Pete could do so much better than government where he’s a wasted talent. If Harris picks a typical governor, the whole dog and pony show is over. Total lack of imagination. Then, why would I vote for her. I will not vote for her if she picks a governor. Someone has to do it. I want those dishes spotless. Go Kelly.