Dirt Bike Town

Dirt Bike Town is the Great American Novel. The photograph represents a scene from this current book project. It begins in a cave. There are many species that live in caves. Many homo sapiens are claustrophobic. In Dirt Bike Town, the cave has kept the ruins of the archives safe and petrified. We store many of our dirt bikes in the cave. I am making the analogy between what petrifies a culture’s skeleton. And what does not. I am rewriting the last chapter. Then, I will be compelled to read and eliminate, read and eliminate, edit two more times. Slowly. Slowly is the harder part. I see the end, and I am working toward it. This book is for Tom Pynchon. The medium is not necessarily the message. The message is the message. The medium employed changes its spots daily. In Dirt Bike Town, there are no roads.