Tim Barrus: New York Times

The USS David Brooks is Sinking

I am shocked. It hardly ever happens. The USS Brooks is headed for Rome, and some of us will not swim there. Whatever happed to the David Brooks’ Rules of a Civil Gentleman. Brooks is conflicted.

All editorial copies dumped off the ship to lighten the load.

The word tribe is used as mocking pejorative.

Those poor well-behaved students.

I would suggest internships somewhere that is not indoctrinated.

And poor as drums.

Brooks wraps it up with his usual plea for hope. Where is the evidence that suggests this hope is real.

If you see hope in these videos, you need to sign up for a one-way ride to Mars.

Brooks is blinded by his civil tribe of gentlemen.

There is no hope. Not for this man with his drum. Not for the boys. Not for Kentucky. And not for America.

The War Between the States never ended. The genocide against Native Americans is alive, and well, and lives in Washington.

The poor are pitted against the poor. The aristocracy Brooks is a part of is laughing.

At our stupidity.

What about turn the other cheek. Those boys had options. Viral becomes political as quick as light can fly.

It is not about the evil of social media.

It is about hate.

It always has been.

Tell it to Kentucky.

Publish their names, their addresses, their phone numbers, their email addresses, their locations, their license plates, where their parents work, where their houses are, their grades, and their pictures.

Ruin their lives forever.

We can hate back, too.

That is America.

