YOUR CULTURE WILL IMPLODE: tim barrus, ny times
My takes are usually different. Matthew Schmitz does not know radicals. We often get left out of the conversation. We are here. Not that many people know about us which means my comments will not be published. Views of who we are remain generic. Our contempt is for everyone Schmitz knows. We are highly educated. We do not have children. The thought is repugnant.
We believe Trump is a criminal, and that Americans are hypocrites. We believe (this is where the gatekeepers will say I am uncivil) that cultural paradigms cave in upon themselves. If we hate Trump, we hate society more. Not many of us even have jobs. We are supported quietly by the left. Now, to what we want.
Civil war.
We believe it’s inevitable. Our loyalty is not to the United States of America. We find America racist and beneath contempt.
We want a restart. There will be blood. We hope so.
We are cognizant we live in a quiet bubble. We do not care, and we will not tell you the secrets of the tribe. We know sexuality is fluid, marriage a yoke. We find your politics to be antedilluvian. If radicals meet, it’s necessarily a secret. We communicate in codes we created.
We do not own weapons. We know where you keep them. We believe you are the biggest enemy to yourselves, your culture wars will extinguish you. Sexuality is fluid and marriage artifice.
We believe a civil war is inevitable. The last one settled nothing.
We watch. We wait. Usually, you prove us to be correct.