What Is the Punishment 4 Being a Traitor

Punishment. Rapist. Thief. Impeachment. Deviant. Golden Calves everywhere. Adultery. Tyrant. Maliciousness. Nihilist. Defiant. Butcher. Traitor. Misanthropy. Abhorrent. Pitiless. Ruthless. Psychopath. Misogynist. Cold-blooded. God. Venomous. Demoniacal. Abomination. Treacherous. Caustic. Criminal. Embittered billionaire. Acrimonious. Revengeful. Savage. Intolerant. Pedophile. Aggravated. Breathes revenge. Cheating. Grabbing pussy. Assaultive. And the New York Times with its moral mediums (gatekeepers), whose only talent is to assassinate a word (they know nothing about) called civility. Lies like a rug. Trump Trump Trump 24/7 and because of all the free coverage, the New York Times, leading the way, lending him a validation that was the real lie around what he is capable of. Let us pat him on the head. What rock do you live under. The New York Times is complicit. The media is terrified. They should be terrified. He’s coming for you. Make no bones about it. Trump will say and do anything. Poor baby. He’s an antiquity. We put him in power because our citizens are not smart. He is our next mistake. Over and over. Convicted sexual predation. Women will vote for it. “He’s a businessman.” What business is he in this time. Trump moves into the White House with a wheelbarrow. Throws money into the wheelbarrow. Makes many trips. The American people have been ripped off. Save yourselves so I can slowly clap for it. What does real civility actually mean. No one at NYT knows.