Tim Barrus: NYT
He is a traitor.
Usually, there’s just an end. The old government bows out gracefully, and the new government leans in. Not this time. Impeachment is for us. Not him.
He does not choose to tolerate anything, let alone a government, that is not about him.
In a normal universe, he would be in the day room as the cuckoo flew over an exhausted country, a depressed populace , and a rubber room featuring a nightmare of psychiatric failures.
There must be an intervention. There are no quick antipsychotic pills that will restore who we really are. He is out of control. Americans reject this, but he is not intent on maiming us. We are already on our knees, and there is no rescue on the horizon.
I advocate an implied violence whose insinuated savagery is in his face. Is America worth fighting for. The British are coming. The British are coming. The captain of the ship of state has lured us down the rabbit hole. The Delaware is a river. We must rock the boat.
There is a structure to employ even as he deliberately assaults democracy whose replacement would be him. If the glove fits, we must restrict a criminal wallowing in his own psychosis. The military must intervene.
Americans shudder at the idea of a revolution. But enough is enough. It’s going to take a violent revolution to drag him kicking and screaming and spitting and biting. A wounded animal with imagined grievances that are based in a psychiatric deviance that now requires the adults in the room to call the ambulance.