Something went wrong.
They tell me that there is no analogy to the combination of ideas and place. This is misinformed. The entire lifetime of a virus that transcends barbed wire, concrete, Interstates, walls, trenches, boundaries, and the TSA. The life of a pandemic virus is a short one. Not unlike our relationship with China. A war here would rock the entire planet. Quickly. The idea of time – not being absolute – light is different. It does not need a medium to travel through. Time is the property of the speed at which it can travel rather than the thing itself. A speed at which feeds through time into a fabric that has no mass. The universe is confusing.
If we weighed the universe, what mass would it have or are the numbers here unfathomable, what would be the mass of the universe. It would have no mass because the speed at which photons travel is relative when the mass of the universe is so gargantuan (and no, we cannot imagine it), matter is irrelevant, and so are we. Not in a biological sense, but in the sense of the universe as being subject to the laws of relativity and theoretical physics, we’re just to small to be measured, we don’ t count. We are not even there. Entire solar systems are less than molecular. They do not care. Scientists tell me that the universe is aging. Now, aging is relative because when you arrive back on the planet, we all have great, great, great grandchildren who will have forgotten that you exist.
Something went wrong. The universe smashes galaxies together and intertwines them. Our bodies do much of the same thing. Travel through the speed of light is quite possible. It’s the going back that as far as physics is concerned remains impossible. But what does it mean.
It means you can’t go back to kill anyone anymore than we can withstand actual difference in timelines as defined by a bunch of quarks. What we strangely escape (the standard model for one thing), is the suggestion something has to travel through the speed of light not unlike when matter and antimatter swallow the lot of us. Versus pushing us through a wormhole that reaches forward and not backward because the universe itself is expanding faster than anyone can explain. The stripping of us from our molecules. We drift. The same thing would happen if you came to close to a blck hile since there are so many of them, and none of them can be seen. Burts of exrays will happen here, in this place because it is not a place. It has no mass. But it moves everything. What does it mean. It means entropy wins.